My Journey To Fish Keeping...

October FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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I bought a 10gal, strictly to raise these fish long enough for my sister to get her tank setup and the fry to be able to move into my friends community tank and not get eaten. 
After that, the tank will become something completely different. 
I want a beta and a snail and perhaps a bunch of cherry shrimp. 
We will see :)
As for future births in my main tank, I will not be saving anything, they will get eaten. 
And this may sound cruel, but if they survive then they will be removed. 
I will not have my current fish die because they are over populating and throwing off the cycle balance. 
I have no intention of becoming a breeder
My friend and I also have our eye on a 60gal that will be coming in the next couple months or so and I have access to another 50gal so we will have plenty of space if we decide to keep further brood.
Just need to buy a house first! haha.. its on the to do list
Don't worry, no rain here, I brought an umbrella :)
Well, its been a long time since i've updated on the Fishes..
Here is a new FTS
They are all doing well

I did lose a couple, my Female Platy's didn't make it and my Snail Seemore passed of old age. 
We have had some new inhabitants and they are thriving

First my new Dwarf Gourami
(He has no name yet) but he is doing well..
Its funny how those Gourami's get into trouble..
Little poop got stuck! haha
Edward is getting big! 
He has his new spot in the tank to filter from..
Hobart is doing well too!
Growing big

He's such a ham! 
Fish keeping is soo much fun! 
I'll post pics of my second tank soon

Lots of things has happened since i've last made a post here in the Fish Keeping world..
From being busy at work, to travelling and enjoying family and friends.. I have been busy.
But my love for the Fish keeping hobby hasn't faded!
Its hard to believe i've been in the hobby for over a year now!
I've had new fish, I've lost fish.. my little Hobart finally passed after 4 years in my care, but all in all its been a great experience!
My 15 Gallon tank is doing well, 
As well as my 10 Gallon,
Its fascinating to watch these little guys!
BUT! My Fish-keeping hobby moves along.. Long Live Multi Tank Syndrome!!! haha
So i'm here to tell you today...
I'm having another tank!
Check out my 36 Gallon I purchased from a friend!
I even picked up a new dresser to place the tank on!
Has a few old parts but i'm planning to replace those for better, more energy efficient ones.
But it still works!
A couple burnt out bulbs but nothing that can't be fixed..
it was a long cleaning process.. Lots of scrubbing but it cleaned up really nicely!
Yes, I carried that HEAVY tank into the bath tub! haha
We did a water test overnight..
And its still holding!
Thats the best part! Now its time to add some water, filters and sand and get things started.
I'm extremely excited to fill this tank and get it cycling

Have decided to use Pool Sand for the substrate and as for inhabitants, i'm considering a cichlid tank.
Have done a ton of research on them and have to decide if I want to commit to the two-a-week water changes to keep up with the overstocked tank.
I'm amazed how many cichlids they place in the tank to keep down aggression, it would definitely look lovely with that many fish in one place!
I haven't completely decided yet..
I Thought about having a pair of Angels and some smaller fish with them or doing a large amount of smaller schooling fish to watch them play!
I'll keep you all posted with my thoughts and once I get the tank setup and we start the cycling process!
Keep up the good work and do post your progress ;)
Plenty of pics too of course
36 Gallon Update:
So, I checked the tank once I got home last night and the water was still there!! No LEAKS! :)
I moved the tank back upstairs and now I am waiting to get it all set up. 
Next on the list, rinse the sand and get the water cycling started.
Thankfully I have two mature tanks to grab mature media from!
Robbed my one tanks already and have the "gunk" sitting in buckets.
Tomorrow, the fish-less cycling begins!
So I filled up the tank with the pool sand and water and started my first dose of ammonia yesterday!
I was playing around with these older style heaters.. they came with 2..
I wasn't sure what setting to place it at, well I learned what too hot was!
Luckily I hadn't started the cycling process yet, would'a fried all the bacteria!
Had to change some lights..
And get a new filter installed..
I decided to run both Aqua Clear 200 and the New TopFin 40 in the tank for when I get the cichlids running.. 
Speaking of! I was at the pet store yesterday and was looking at the little ones!
Cannot wait to be cycled and pick some up!
I also did a check on my nitrite/ammonia this morning.. 
Ammonia came down a bit, most likely because I seeded from other tanks I have however Nitrite isn't present yet.. 
Will wait until to tomorrow and test again, might see something soon!
On another note!.. My little Bamboo Shrimp, being curious..
Will update soon!!
30 gallon update (113L)
Checked Ammonia and Nitrite this morning, Ammonia is coming down (around 2ppm) but still no signs of nitrite yet.. will check again tonight and see if I need to do a snack feeding.
This is the hard part.. the waiting 
Ch4rlie said:
They say patience is a virtue
Oh, I know!!! 
Especially when your tank is just waiting to look amazing!! haha
Hows yours coming Ch4rlie?
Good Morning Fish Keepers..
So here's an update on my tank, we are still cycling but making progress! 
I had placed some new rocks in the tank...
Whatcha think?
Going to add some more rocks for the tank to give them further hiding places.. 
Cannot wait to get some fish for this tank! 
I have my eye on these cichlids..
Electric Yellow Lab
Red Zebra
Or a Blue one (Scolofi), 
These would look stunning in the tank!
Will see what my LFS has in stock.
Well, we have fish!!!
I picked up some on Friday at my LFS and got them settled over the weekend. 
Picked up 2 Electric Yellows, 1 Red Zebra (looks orange), 2 Electric Blues and 1... Well i'm not sure.. he's yellow and black stripes but its horizontal not vertical. 
Anyway, they are all African Cichlids, most likely Mbuna's
I bought them unsexed for #1 the cost and #2 the joy of watching them grow to see what they will look like. 
Check out some videos of the little guys.. (its really hard to get pics when they won't sit still, haha)
Video 1
Video 2
Will post more as they grow!
Definitely an interesting journey for you so far!  
I think my one Cichlid is holding...
She wont sit still long enough for me to get a good shot.. 

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