Tropical Fish, Poorly - Panda Garra - Help


New Member
Sep 13, 2014
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I'm Lynsey, I've had tropical fish for over three years now and I have recently in the last couple of months upgraded to a bigger tank. All going well until this week, I introduced some new fish over a month ago and suddenly my Panda Garra (new fish) has a white/red scrape on the back of his head and my platy's keep pecking at it, please can any help as to what this might be, we are unsure as to whether he may of grazed himself on a rock, and if the platy's are doing harm or good.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated as we are sad to loose this fish, today he has become very quiet and sat in the same place all day.

Once again thanks for any help.



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I think it could be an injury he has inflicted on something in the tank, I could be wrong. If other fish are picking at it, I would quarantine immediately and find some medicine to help with external wounds. 
Looks like air could heater burn....
Do you have a net or breeder box that you can put him in if you don't have a separate quarantine tank?
It's only ping to get worse if the other fish are pecking at it.
Just make sure the water is in top notch and it should heal.
Thank you both for your responses, really appreciated, unfortunately he has died this morning.

I have a couple of shells in the tank which he may of caught on, I've cleaned the tank this morning and will look to make sure there is nothing else to harm my other fish.


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