So I decided to add my other piece of driftwood to the tank yesterday!
It was a bit cloudy after I stirred everything up so I decided to wait to take some pics.
(please excuse the iPhone photo's, one day i'll have to get a better camera)
I had to load it full of gravel in order to weight it down lastnight, even though I soaked it for weeks before, lol
I added some more fake plants until my other plants grew..
I think I might need to invest in a proper light to grow live plants, this LED one isn't much and despite being in the window i'm wondering if thats enough either.
My little Gourami will like these plants since they are covering the surface a little bit, he seems happy, his colouring has developed since I bought him.
She's gotten FAT!
This should be interesting to see!
Its funny how you walk up to the tank and everyone assumes its feeding time!! hahaha