Tough Little Rams

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2014
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So when I was researching blue rams before I picked up my first pair about a year ago, I read they were sensitive, skittish, and easily bullied. All in all a frail delicate fish. After breeding them in a 10 gallon, I decided to try some out as members of a 50 gallon community.
They were the first cichlids in the tank and quickly formed 2 pairs, with 2 extra males hanging about. In the tank went a severum, several tetras a Raphael catfish and a dwarf gourami.
The rams haven't missed a beat. They dominate the heavily planted areas of the tank and defend that territory quite effectively. I've seen my largest male ram fight off the severum which is twice his size to defend his eggs. I've seen a mated pair beat the catfish on his armor plates till he finally got annoyed enough to swim away. I've seen some pretty intense acrobatics as another pair sparred with the dwaf gourami.
During feeding time they are at the surface of the water and get the best picks of food along with the severum.
So yeah just wanted to share how tough these guys can be too. If you've got a large tank, without any big super aggressive fish in it, give these guys a try, they will offer hours of enjoyment :)
Wow, this is reassuring, I was worried my pair ( arriving next week ) would be harassed by my rather boisterous tetras.
Got any pics of your little guys?
Here's my original pair chilling with the severum. The male has been known to kick the severums butt on ocassion


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My adult male ram is extremely territorial and has bullied several fish out of the tank. We had him in a 10 gallon with 2 other small fish that were the same size and they all did fine, but there were 2 fish we tried to introduce that he didn't like and wouldn't stop bullying before we finally got a fish that he didn't bother. We moved him to a 20 gallon and now have just him with a juvenile severum that he doesn't mind, but have tried a couple fish that he wouldn't stop pestering so we had to take them back. Now we have a baby electric blue jack dempsey that he chases and tries to act tough to but it's not working and the fish is holding its own. I've come to the conclusion that this ram can only be with other cichlids because they will not take his bullying behavior. He's a tough little fish but we have had him for almost a year so he's here to stay.

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