210L Tank Stock Advice

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 17, 2013
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Hi guys

I currently have a 70L tank and I want to get a 210 Litre one shortly so that I can move my red tailed shark over. He is currently really tiny so he should be ok until i get the tank and fully cycle it.
In the meantime, I have been thinking of how to stock this new tank. The fish that I really like are angelfish, barbs and Platys.

The red tail will definitely be moving over so my questions are :
how many additional angelfish can I get for a 210L tank?
I hear that angelfish are semi aggressive so should i get 2 or 1?
Will the shark and angelfish get along with barbs?
Are barbs schooling fish?

In the present 70L tank, I was thinking of leaving the 2 platys in there and adding some neon tetras. 

So what do you guys think?
Thanks heaps...I'm super excited now
Barbs are schooling fish, I have one tiger barb, and he is the most aggressive in my tank, aside from my RTS. Should be kept in a school of 6+. 
As has been said, Barbs are schooling and should be kept in groups of 6+
Angelfish, people usually either get one, or get 6 and wait for 2 to pair up and re-home the rest. The most I'd do in this size tank is a pair.
Barbs can be rather nippy so I'd be worried about them going after your angelfish. If you can get a hold of the Five Banded Barb, they're much more peaceful and look similar.
HERE is some info on those.
So glad to hear you're getting a bigger tank for your shark btw :D
Think you'll be fine on your plan for the 70l though I could be wrong.
Thank you everyone :D 

Based on what youve said, I think I might skip the barbs then, and maybe get one angelfish. I dont mind an understocked tank. 
What a pity that my two fave fish are so agressive - ie the red tail shark and angelfish. So i can only really get one of each.
There are some really colourful tropical fish in the LFS but they are just named chichlids?? But they are always in a tank with their own kind so I'm guessing they dont get along with any other fish..sigh..
Are there any other types of fish i can get that will not annoy or be victimised by a shark and angelfish (apart from loaches..i dont really like them).
If you like you can get pictures of them and upload them here and someone can ID them and we can see if they'd be okay in your tank.
I imagine they are the kind that need to be kept in their own tank though.
Do you have soft or hard water?
Rainbowfish may be a good fit for this tank but they are hard water and the angelfish is soft water.
Ok I'll see if i can take some photos and show them here soon.

I think our water in NZ is soft water. But I will have to call our council to be sure. I dont get a lot of limescale deposit in my kettles and stuff...is that even relevant? LOL
haha sorry, I suck at these things. Will find that out too..
The info about limescale does help, but am not sure myself unfortunately. Hopefully someone with more knowledge on hard & soft water comes along soon.
No need to apologize! We're all learning ^_^
I know that hard water will leave a lot of limescale so would say your water is soft but still get it checked :)
Here are the two chichlids i was talking about
I found another and those were called parrot cichlids...
I'm guessing that these ones need a tank of their own right... I've never seen them with other fish before
Oh and yes, we have soft water here.

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