Balloon Mollies - How Old Until They Reach Full Size?

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Mostly New Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Ok, so I have two young balloon mollies. They are 6 months old now but are only approx between 2.5-3cm in length. Considering mollies only live for between 1 and 2 years I was expecting them to be a bit larger by now.
I have heard somewhere that when balloon mollies are inbred it can stunt their growth?
I got their parent molly when she was already pregnant so don't know who she has mated with.

They both seem healthy otherwise. Their size doesn't bother me - I'm just curious more than anything.

I have attached a couple of pics - they aren't amazing but hopefully it gives people an idea. One of the pics shows them alongside their parent.


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I would expect them to be near full sized now, tbh, although as you say, these very distorted fish do frequently have growth problems.

How big is your tank, how often and how big are your water changes and do you know the nitrate level?
Hmm that's what I thought.

Tank size: 250 litre (they were however born into a 50 litre)
Water changes: Once a week minimum of 30%

Currently out but will check nitrate level when I get back - usually all levels are completely fine.
Doesn't seem like environmental issues are causing it then, all sounds good there :)
They look pretty healthy, so they probably just haven't grown very well.

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