Hello I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right area so feel free to move it to another section if that's where it should be but I am wanting to make some caves out of small bits of rock. I'm looking to build caves as I have panda Cory's and apistogramma cacatuoides and both appreciate caves or somewhere to hide. I'm my tank I did have a PVC pipe cut in half and that was my caves but that was when I had multi coloured gravel and stuff like that but now I have sand and other rocks in there putting black PVC pipes in makes the tank look unnatural but I want to make 2 small caves from small rocks so that the tank still looks natural. After all of that I wanted to ask how do I make a cave and can I just balance rocks on top of each other. I want to use the small rocks on the left and right hand side of the attached picture. Thanks for all your help from Tom