Another Honey Gourami Question

So I picked up two sulawesi snails today. Aren't they beautiful? Here is the first pic of them:
sulawesi snails 1.jpg
I decided not to get a nerite snail after all. On Friday hopefully they will have yellow gouramies. :)
They are fab!

When I saw you write "I decided not to get......" I thought you were referring to the Gouramis, I was like nooooo

LOL never!
I love that little guy gourami, he's a cute little fellow, I think he would be very happy to have some girls with him! By the way, did you notice him in the photo checking out those snails? 
Yay, they did get the yellow ones. We tried to find the females in the group, time will tell how we did! They were hiding most of the day yesterday, but did feast on some thawed, frozen bloodworms. Today was water change day, then they got some garlic soaked flakes and pellets and since then they are cruising all over the tank! Took some pics just now:
Here are 2 of the 3 yellow honey gourami:
yellow honeys.jpg
Here is Dobby displaying his colours, I guess this one's a girl:
Dobby displaying.jpg
Yesterday, when I added the yellow gouramis I was at first pre-occupied trying to get them in the tank with as little stress as possible, but I glanced down into the tank and was totally taken aback! Dobby, the male Gourami looked so different. His face had turned black, a wide black line all the way down from his face to his belly. Wow, what a handsome fellow!!! And he is very gentle, sometimes swimming with them, sometimes going off on his own! Sometimes they follow him, it seems they are comfortable with each other.
One more pic, this one's of one of the Sulawesi Snails I call her Big Mama:
Big Mama 2.jpg
Yay, you got them :) excellent!

How are things going? the top pic where you have written two of your three HG, the gourami in the middle is a definite female, but the blurry one by the the snail LOOKS like it could be male to me as it has distinct orange near its tail fin.
So far they are being very good. After the initial time of hiding where we left the lights off, they are now out and about, eating and exploring.
The guy at the shop was not sure if they were all female. He said they were still a little young. If there are any problems they will take them back!
So, does this mean the orange colouring at the tail is a sign of them being male? One of them definitely has orange. The other two less so! 
What is your experience about them pairing up? I was told that oftentimes the male picks a female to pair up with and one could have more than one pair in a tank. In your opinion would that work in a tank that is big enough? 
Everything is still going splendidly, there is the occasional momentary chase, but I'll be watching them carefully that it remains at that!  
What I hadn't noticed the first day is that the yellow gouramies were flashing at times. Against plants and the resin cave. I wasn't sure if it was stress, pH related (the LFS's water is from a different water treatment plant and very different from out water) or if it was the first symptoms of ich though there weren't any spots on them. Did a water change, and I've been feeding them fresh garlic soaked flakes and garlic soaked pellets and I am happy to report that they've stopped flashing. 
There really is truth to fish loving garlic, they are going nuts over that stuff! Even the Sulawesi snails hurry over and claim a pellet! 
Orange on tail yes it means a male.

My male hasn't paired up, I have noticed him doing spawning behaviour before but he seems to be swimming with all of the females rather than just one.

I think if you have lots of hidey plants for them you SHOULD be ok with two males but if I were you I would exchange the male for another female, aft all you don't want to upset the apple cart with your original male. I've forgotten how big your tank is though....

Ah, just had a look and converted it to litres, I would ensure heavily planted if you want to keep the second male.
He is another pic of my male:


And my male with a female:


And another of just female:


Lastly male again:


Just thought I would post these if you decide to take the second male back and want to look for another female in replacement (don't mean to spam with pics :blush:, just trying to be helpful)
That was extremely helpful Shelster. Thank you so much!!!  

It sure looks like one of my yellow ones is male, maybe even a second one. If that were the case, my eldest is setting up a 20 gallon, most of it with donated items from "chez moi" (me) lol, if I were to give him the two males would they be OK together in a 20 gallon?
I will see if I can get such beautiful pictures such as yours of them, I think I need help identifying them! 
Yes if you can get some pics, ill tell you what I think they are :)

I had to convert to litres as that's how I work it, so about 75 litres? Hmm if you want to do it, I would again ensure its heavily planted and keep a very close eye on them but I personally wouldn't risk it. I didn't even want to put two males in my 180 litre (39.5gallon)

If you can get pics ill have a look, you may just have the one extra male :) x
Thank you Shelster, that would be great!
OK here is the one I think is definitely male:
male yellow.jpg
Here is the one I'm not sure of:
probably male yellow 2.jpg
probably male yellow.jpg

And this is the one I am pretty sure of that it is a female:
female 1.jpg
female 2.jpg
female 3.jpg
I am anxiously awaiting your opinion! :)
Top one definite male, second looks male to me too, third one I think a female, although the bottom picture of her looks like there is a slight orange to the tail? Could be the pic though. If you manage to get any clearer shots post them here.

I have been trying to find the thread I read when I was looking to buy and sex honeys last year but can't find the one which had pics of a whole tank with arrows pointing to the different sexes :/

Here is a description of sexing them I found which you'll find useful written by MBOU:

"Honey Gouramis - Females are smaller, often colourless and often with a lateral strip down their sides, they also tend to be much fatter and rounder, males will have better colouration, be slimmer and in breeding condition they can get black bellies. The males also tend to have longer pointier dorsal fins which on a female would be smaller and rounder."
Thanks again, Shelster! Yes, I've googled about how to sex gouramies and found info like that as well. It's just, I find it kind of hard to apply this knowledge to the fish in front of me, lol! Maybe I have all males lol, here is a pic of the two palest in orange markings together:
often together.jpg

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