My New Aqua One Aquanano 40 - Trials And Errors!


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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Well, this is going to be a huuuuge learning experience for me! 
 I've been fish-keeping for almost a whole month now xD
My AquaNano 40 arrived today. It was a display tank in a shop - but it never housed anything, it was just a 'dry' display.
I took my chances buying the display without having seen it first, as there didn't seem to be anywhere else I could find this tank! 
At the moment I have an Aqua One 20L (5 gal) tank housing my betta, Kasai.
Once the AquaNano 40 is setup and cycled, he will go in there, along with 10 pygmy corydoras I plan to buy, and some live plants

I have a lot of questions, too.
The first question I have is, the filter media in the tank; they smell strange. Like carbon, I think? Do I need to wash these, or is it normal for them to smell that way?
How do I wash them if so? And how do I wash the tank itself? It smells funky, it's hard to explain the smell but I guess it smells kinda mouldy... or waxy...?
I will post some photos of the tank so far, and the substrate and driftwood I've bought. Still very much in the beginning stages! Barely even started really!
my awesome driftwood.jpgnew tank.jpg
I acquired a fluvial 305 with a 75 gallon tank. The media options are amazing. If you have a clip on filter you should rinse the filter in non chlorinated water. If you have a canister filter then you should still rinse the media to remove any dust.

If the filters came with the tank and were not sealed I would recommend replacing the media.

I use a carbon pack, and two different bio max medias.
I am not very knowledgeable on filter types, but the tank came with an impeller and the media is two large black sponge like pads which slot into the back area. When I was researching the tank I cams across the term 'sump'. Not sure what that means though.

I also got 2 bags of carbon noodles, not sure what to do with those or if I should replace them. I think the weird smell is from these.
By dry do you mean it never had water or never had fish?
I would imagine if it never had water the the filters should be fine. Carbon on the other hand has a expectation date on it. I believe it is only good for a month or two after it is opened and oxygen is allowed to pass through it.
Ive got the tank you have there and thought id mention that if possible swap out one of the black sponges and replace with some kind of ceramic media as this will benefit you ten fold

you got the big sponges which primarily do the mechanic filtration (trapping bits of debris)
and the ceramic media will help with biological filtration (beneficial bacterial will thrive on this and break down the nitrites and ammonia)
by carbon noodles are you sure its carbon?? because they could be the ceramic media
a sump is just another tank that does all the hard work like filtering and heating, mostly used with marine fish as there is more equipment like protein skimmers etc but water just circulates between the two tanks
ReddSam, you are right, they look like ceramic media! 
Thanks for the info
So do I just throw the ceramic bits into the space made when I remove one of the black sponges?
Also, tonight I cleaned the tank with vinegar and water, and cleaned out my substrate, and have it set up.
I'm going to buy a piece of furniture this weekend for the tank. Once I have it set up on that I will put in plants and fill it with water

Here it is at the moment:


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So, just to clarify; at the moment you have two filter compartments filled with sponge, plus the one where the heater/powerhead sit?

If so, then keep one of the sponges as a spare and put one sponge in the first compartment and the ceramic rings in the middle
Yes, that's exactly right. Thank you, I'll do that :)

Is it ok to keep the sponges or should I replace them? As I said earlier, the tank was a display but held no water or fish.
No, keep them; even if they'd been used, a good clean in really hot water, and they'd be fine; obviously don't do that once you've cycled your tank and got your good bacteria living in there!
Okay so I've set the tank up with the filter and media and water.
Not sure I've done it right. The first compartment has the sponge and pump in it. The middle one has ceramic noodles, and the last one the heater. Is this right? I'll post photos later when I'm home
Okay, here is the tank so far.
Haven't begun to cycle it just yet.


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