Aquarium Makeover...


TFF Founder
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 17, 2002
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Three days ago I was looking at one of my aquariums, the one I set up was about 12 and realised just how badly it was screaming out to me that it had to have a makeover. Honestly just looking at it, I am sure you will agree. For a start there was not a plant in sight and not only that but the gravel was blue... That is just my opinion of course, if you like blue gravel and no plants then go for it, I say! I'm sure a few of you must have flicked through the aquarium of the month winners forum and been a bit envious. Well I was no exception and so decided that something had to be done about it.

Sand, gravel... sand or gravel... hmm... it was a tricky choice but I went with gravel, as for me the drawbacks of sand were slightly greater than using fine gravel.

Why suddenly change after so many years, well I honestly don't know why I didn't change it earlier, but the fact I was in the middle of my A-Level exams, seemed a good enough reason to do it to escape revision.

See the before pictures, depressing huh...


  • aq1.jpg
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:( If I was a fish in this aquarium I would probably have tried to commit suicide by jumping out rather than living in there.


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Well, I got impatient with the gravel washing, where is the harm in that! Well, actually I wish I had spent that extra 20 minutes washing it, ah well, go filter go!!


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From the depths of darkness there was life!


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After a few hours it is almost all settled although the water isn't quite crystal clear yet. You may well notice the huge ugly filter system in the middle of the tank, don't worry I have not missed it, it will be going as soon as my new filter arrives.


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Well here is the latest picture, it's not 100% clear yet, but I'm impatient as you probably have already seen... :rolleyes:


  • aq6.jpg
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oh william, the sand could have been so much better but never mind, good effort im sure it will look ok in the end :p
Did I ever tell you how much I hate you CFC. :rofl:
It's looking good so far!! :thumbs: Keep posting pics as it clears, it's kinda fun to scroll up and down really quick, it's like it changes before my eyes :look:
Does anyone want any spare gravel, I've got waaaaaaaaay too much! :rolleyes:
if it was sand maybe but gravel, well......... :p
hehe, i just noticed on the bottom picture, look plec on the filter :wub: I have a few more plants to go in now, and of course a new filter to replace that monstrousity!! Of course it also would not be a good idea to change the filter at the exact same time as the gravel as that'd knock out virtually the entire population of those friendly bacteria!!

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