Peanut Butter My Betta and Gigolo , Arashi's Boy :


Fish Addict
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia Beach , VA, USA
HEY THURR! Im so excited to let youknow that after 2 weeks my bettas are ok :), they actually got used to their sorroundings very quickly and started eatin the 3rd day :D , and their colors came back after 3 hs later i got them :)

I know i said i would do this before, but i couldnt find a time to sit down and start uploading pictures:( i had been very busy lately) -_-

So ok, Peanut Butter wich i think its a HM , its that right Betta Experts? and Gigolo (arashi's) i think its a plakat for his colors and short finnage, its that correct ?

These pictures are from the website im still trying to get good pics from them in their tank so im only posting afew of them that i took.


and Bri enjoy your boy :D :fun: :wub:


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and.... ARASHI'S GIGOLO! ENJOY GIRL!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: he is trying to build up a bubble nest :blink: ..... :whistle: :whistle:


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awww! thank you very very much GL ! i know how you feel! i want to do some rescues ..... in my lfs ... are like they had been fightin or have finrot ..... so i want to cure them! and sell them to ppl,like you, arashi, julie,sorrell, wuv and more, cuz i know they are great mommies! but im not sure :/ -_- (about buyin them...cuz my mom would freak out , and also im not sure about the cost of shipment and handling etc)

another pic! here starts the process :p


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Ooh, they're gorgeous Dolores :wub: :wub: :wub:

I think Peanut Butter is either a delta or a super delta, and Gigalo is a roundtail. I could be wrong though :unsure:
Wow DOLORES they are all so beautiful and cute :wub: :wub:
How many betta's do you have all together?
It's a great idea that you want to help out the betta's at your lfs :) Is the finrot really bad there?
awwww Dolores!!! They're beautiful :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Gigolo is just :hyper: :wub: :hyper: And Peanut Butter :hyper: :flex: :wub:

But I gotta tell you sweetie..
so i want to cure them! and sell them to ppl,like you, arashi, julie,sorrell, wuv

I :wub: ya,hunny! But,Oh please not me!!! :lol: I have so,sooo many adopted veiltails (here they are in their houses,old pics though,most are rearranged differently now :look: ) But I KNOW Sorrell,Julie and Arashi can handle some more :flex: :shifty: :hey:
Dolores! They look great! You have a good eye! :nod: I know Arashi is absolutely in love with Gigolo :shifty: Very nice bettas! :p
awwwwwwwwwwwww thanx girls!! :wub: i know Kelly.... I felt either way you could or not adopt mines, i had to put you in my list :) you are a great mommy!!! :wub: as well for the other girls :)

Guys , YES! the photos are from there, i said that!

These pictures are from the website im still trying to get good pics from them in their tank so im only posting afew of them that i took.

and I still tryin to get really good pictures without glare :/ , and now my brother had disconnect the router to my computer, so i cant upload more pics till he fix the problems with the router :( , but i hope you enjoyedmy babies and Arashi's :)\



CC thank youuuuu!!! :D :wub: I hope Kelly or any of the betta xperts, do their suggestions :), but again THANK YOU!

Guppylover , i only have these 2 :) , and yes.....the finrot, its really bad :-( :-( , like fins falling, tail fins to its half all chewed up :( etc :-( makes me want to take them all of them to my room, and cure them!!! i sware (sware?) that i take at least 2 more ! from my lfs.! and im serious! :grr:

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