Platy Behavior.. Any Else Experience This?

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Sep 22, 2012
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so i picked up these two platy about 6 months ago, from the same tank. Ickus is the white/yellow/dalm black and Murdock is yellow black fins.. i'm not sure if they're litter mates or not but these two are always together. the weird thing is that Murdock is constantly mimmicking Ickus. Ickus does breed with the females, Murdock won't and he seems to get irritated when ickus does.. strange. has anyone else had this happen? what could this be?


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I've had this happen when one of the males is a juvenile. It's as if he's learning the correct behavior pending being able to enact it. That's just a guess though, not a scientific fact, just an observation from my own tanks.
your guess good as mine.. i thought murdock was older and he didn't start acting like that until 3 or 4 months ago.. since then he's like a mirror image of ickus
If both are adults it could simply be a form of aggression. I never had it happen with two adults before so that sort of ruins my theory.
good theory tho, tc.. it's most definitely not aggression.. at first ickus was like a wingman to murdock.. then as soon as i started adding more and more females ickus started showing interest and murdock doesn't care about the ladies... yet?? they were the first platy i ever picked up so and they always paired up but nothing like this.. i don't know lol it's like murdock is nervous around girls! and copies ickus to get attention?? i have two black molly that have a similar relationship but no mimicking

those pics are terrible so they don't say much.. thought about a short video. i mean i think it'd be worth. i've never seen one straight up copy another, move for move.
Please except my apologies! I have nothing too specific on the topic, but i just have to comment that i have never seen a black finned yellow platy before ever. He looks very nice! I wish i has a murock :)

really? come to think of it, i haven't either.. i have a female almost identical but just a shade or darker. hoping they knot up but if murdock doesn't change his game, there may be no more :no:
hmm just an idea..
maybe the one is angry because he doesn't really know how to mate yet, so that is why he is mimicking so he learns or he is secretly gay 0.o or its just a horny female that isn't getting any lol

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