My 100 Litre Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2012
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This is it about 7 weeks after starting it. The cabomba is looking a bit unkempt, but that's moslty been replaced now.Most importantly, the fishes seem to like it. I'll put some more up later.


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I like it! I like the bogwood, it's a nice shape :good:
That wood is an interesting shape - almost like a dividing 'cliff' in the tank, but I think it works :good:
I'd move the wood to the left hand corner and have it heavily planted in that end and slowly spread the plants out as you reach the right hand side of the tank, for a less-heavily planted area. Just my 2 pence! :hyper:
Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions. Bearing in mind the setup is only a couple of months old, we've yet to try any variations on the theme. Add to that the possibility of a new bigger tank arriving in the near future and her ladyship nagging me bandy about a marine tank, who knows where it will go from here?
Not bad. Shows promise have a look at some of the changes suggested above,they looked interesting.
Keep updating so we can follow.
As for the wood definitely move it out to the left a bit. Its a major focus point and it would better at about 2/3 length of the tank not in the middle.It can go either to the left or right to my eyes always favour the left side of the tanks so i always try to keep my focus points in there.
Here it is today, the plants are getting a bit better established. I added some nutrient media under the sand weekend before last and it seems to be helping. I quite like the wood where it is. Because it curves out at the top, both front and back, there is room behind for the fishes.


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