Hengeli Rasboras - Fighting Or Spawning?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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Righteo so here's a video of them getting up to whatever bad behaviour they are doing!

After I saw them doing this I noticed that their sides look kind of faded like the colour has been rubbed off a little along their sides - it's definitely not anything *on* the skin. I shot this video about a week ago and while I haven't seen them at it again their sides are still looking rubbed. Two of them more than the others - but - all have some slight fading of colour.

Also - one of my rasboras looks different from the others (it's actually the one on the left in the video thumbnail) it looks mostly grey/transparent instead of quite red like the others. It's been this way the whole time I've had it. Is it a different variety or maybe a female?
That's normal behaviour, they are battling it out for boss-fish status. I call it the woga-woga because as they do it their mouths open and close as if they're saying woga woga woga woga! :lol:

Out of interest do yours ever gather in a particular part of the tank at a certain time of day and sort of move together up and down the tank? Mine do and I think it's just a social bonding thing.
That's normal behaviour, they are battling it out for boss-fish status. I call it the woga-woga because as they do it their mouths open and close as if they're saying woga woga woga woga! :lol:

Out of interest do yours ever gather in a particular part of the tank at a certain time of day and sort of move together up and down the tank? Mine do and I think it's just a social bonding thing.

LMAO so glad I now have a name for it! hehe Yes they do come together quite tightly sometimes. I noticed it after I saw the above behaviour and I thought it meant they were stressed but I'm glad to hear I've got nothing to worry about! I am thinking about adding another two to the group though.

In relation to my other question here's a picture of them with the odd one out at the front of the pack on the far left. What do you think? Different type?


Oh - Welshweeks mine were labelled as espei rasboras as the LFS - doh!
I'll try to take some pics and post them up here to compare. Bloody hard to get a decent pic though!!!

Well here's a pic excuse quality!!


  • DSCF1989b.jpg
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Yes it is! They key is to have a massive amount of light in the tank with a fast shutter speed. But I still really struggle to get good ones of them.
In relation to my other question here's a picture of them with the odd one out at the front of the pack on the far left. What do you think? Different type?

They're all Hengel's rasbora. You can see the difference between Hengel's and Espei Rasbora here:

The Hengeli has an obvious orange neon-stripe above the black line and is usually relatively colourless or translucent below it, so your odd one out is still a Hengeli.

In the Espei the orange colour usually covers most of the body or at the very least continues up to the head.
Those links aren't working for me :( I also can't open Welshweeks' picture!

I'm still a little confused Prime Ordeal, bear with me lol, from your description of the hengels my "odd one out" sounds like it's right on the money but my others don't have an orange stripe but the colour is more diffuse over their body. When I do a google image search of the espei the results mostly look like my fish. To be honest the image results are mixed for a lot of varieties of rasbora, I guess they are frequently mis-identified.
Those links aren't working for me :( I also can't open Welshweeks' picture!

I'm still a little confused Prime Ordeal, bear with me lol, from your description of the hengels my "odd one out" sounds like it's right on the money but my others don't have an orange stripe but the colour is more diffuse over their body. When I do a google image search of the espei the results mostly look like my fish. To be honest the image results are mixed for a lot of varieties of rasbora, I guess they are frequently mis-identified.

I can't open my image either! I was going to post again but I don't have the option to insert a picture and can't edit my previous post aargghhh!!!

Am I dumb or what?

lol do you have a photobucket (or other image hosting account)? Post it on there and then copy the IMG or image code which it gives you on here - viola! If you don't have an account, get one!
Those links aren't working for me :( I also can't open Welshweeks' picture!

I'm still a little confused Prime Ordeal, bear with me lol, from your description of the hengels my "odd one out" sounds like it's right on the money but my others don't have an orange stripe but the colour is more diffuse over their body. When I do a google image search of the espei the results mostly look like my fish. To be honest the image results are mixed for a lot of varieties of rasbora, I guess they are frequently mis-identified.

Don't know why those links don't work?

go to the main page search: http://www.fishbase.org/search.php
then type in Trigonostigma under genus and hengeli or espei under species.

There is a lot of confusion between the two and I'm not entirely convinced myself but I think I'm right. Look at the pics it should become clearer. With the Hengeli the orange stops at the gill flap but with the Espei it continues up to the head and more of the body is coloured orange.
mmmm yeah I am 99.2% confident that those are hengeli rasbora, commonly called glowlight rasbora. They look exactly like my "odd man out" :p

Well done on posting a picture btw

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