The Waiting Game

You are doing fine Welshweeks. Tyhe ammonia is dropping very quickly and p[H is staying high enough that the cycle will continue to build.
DAY 28


Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0.25 ppm
P.H - 8.0 ppm


Nitrite - 0 ppm (13 hrs)

Added 4ml of ammonia @ 21.10

HOPEFULLY nitrites will zero in the next 12hrs but not holding my breath!

Getting a bit tedious now!
DAY 29


Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0.25 ppm (barley)
P.H - 7.6-8.0

Nitrite 0ppm @ 9.50

70-80% water change @ 20.00

Added 4ml ammonia @ 21.00


Ammonia - 2.0 ppm
Nitrite - 5.0 ppm
Nitrate - 80-160 ppm
P.H - 7.6 - 8.2

I thought that the water change would have lowered the nitrates more? They have lowered slightly but not that much.
this newbie salutes you - you are virtually there it seems!

want to swap tanks then? I'm at day 2.. :lol:

Hopefully yes, I'm looking to put my first stock in on Saturday. I was very lucky in that one of the members on here (The Taffy Apple) kindly gave me some mature media from his filter on day 4 which speeded things up. Hang in there and yours will be ready before you know it. Just keep a logbook/diary so you know when key events take place such as ammonia dropping, first sign of nitrites/nitrates etc. I'm a total newbie and I have to say that by doing a fishless cycle you really get to realise how things work, that and obviously the wealth of knowledge available from members on this forum. If you can get some mature media from someone maybe on here or at your lfs I'm sure that would speed things up for you too.

Hopefully yes, I'm looking to put my first stock in on Saturday. I was very lucky in that one of the members on here (The Taffy Apple) kindly gave me some mature media from his filter on day 4 which speeded things up. Hang in there and yours will be ready before you know it. Just keep a logbook/diary so you know when key events take place such as ammonia dropping, first sign of nitrites/nitrates etc. I'm a total newbie and I have to say that by doing a fishless cycle you really get to realise how things work, that and obviously the wealth of knowledge available from members on this forum. If you can get some mature media from someone maybe on here or at your lfs I'm sure that would speed things up for you too.

yeah keeping a log...I am happy to wait as I know that this time, unlike 20 years ago when I kept fish, these ones won't be getting a rough deal when introduced to their new home! Reading the other posts here there seem to be several people knocking out nitrites after 13/14 hours rather than the 12 hour that not near enough then?

I am interested in trying to start the bacteria cycle without foreign media added so may well be at it longer than yourself; be interesting to see how the times compare! I will post a log of readings taken daily, from time to time...I think I read someone saying this can help others setting up

roll on saturday then!
Been out and bought some live plants today so here's some pics.


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DAY 30


Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0.25ppm (barely)
Nitrate - 80-160ppm
P.H - 7.6ppm

Nitrite 0ppm @ 10.00
Added 4ml ammonia @ 10.00

Added live plants


Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0.25ppm (barely)
Nitrate - 80-160ppm
P.H - 7.4

Added 4ml ammonia @ 22.05
DAY 31


Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm

Nitrate - 80-160ppm
P.H - 7.6ppm

Added 4 ml ammonia @ 10.10


Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 80-160ppm
P.H - 7.6ppm

Added 4ml ammonia @ 22.10
So is this the first official '0' Nitries in 12 hours mate? :good: if so...!!!

The plants look lovely mate, but no doubt you'll be 'scaping' them in a different position each and every water change :D .
I particulary like the moss balls, seems they made it through the post in an excellent manner. So with a bit of luck saturday still seems on the cards for the first fish, unless you decide to do a full 7 days of '0' NitrItes in 12 hours :yahoo: .

Keep the thread updated, it will be great to see the first pictures of your very first inhabitants.

Thanks JDs, it look's like it, finally

TA, I think I'll go for my first stock on Sat as the nitrites were barely 0.25 and finally 0 from day 27, so by Sat that will be 7 days. Yes, like the moss balls they seem almost alive as they tend to randomly move about and I herd them up now & then! think I may get some more they were pretty cheap at 5 for £5.50 delivered so not too bad.

When I spoke to you yesterday I mentioned that I saw some fish that reminded me of brown trout a little. I popped into Pets@home earlier to see what they had and there were some in there they were leopard danios (see pic), may get 6 of those possibly on Saturday. I was hoping they would have some Corydoras, they did but only 1 and I would like to get 6. The prices seem pretty decent in there so I may pop over to the Bridgend store before Sat to see what they got there.


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