Help Please! Pregnant Guppy?


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
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Hi there,

I am new to this! I bought a few guppies 3 weeks ago and one of the females was pregnant then. She has been getting bigger and her gravid spot has been getting darker, I am wondering if anyone can tell me when she should drop her fry? very excited! :)


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Welcome to the forum tel88! You can tell that she's about to drop when her belly has a square shape and she has a white dot near her bottom fins. She doesn't look quite ready to me, but definitely close. You'll have fry fairly soon! :good:
My girl looked like that when we got her home from the pet store, we had fry in less than a week. Keep an eye on her shape like Neptune said from the side view he tummy will be completely flat looking and both her front and back end will have dropped, I was looking for a shape that resembled the lower half of a hexagon.
Welcome to our forum Tei88.
I suspect that your female will drop fry within the next 3 days.
Thankyou all! I am so excited! it is my first time with tropical fish and I really want to get it right! I will kee[p an eye on her shape how exciting! :D
She looks to me like she is due any time now.
Guppies don't necessarily square off and I can't confirm about any white spot as indicator as someone else mentioned.
Normally just before they are due up to a day or two max their anal area opens up. On the picture above you can see this just below the gravid spot(black area). It looks like their anal canal is suffering from gravitation :lol:
Ohokay! Thanks heaps!wow they are such interesting little things! She has like a clear stringy looking poop is that normal?
Stringy poop can happen before birth with guppies and could be nothing to worry about.
However, none of the other fish should be pooping white stringy poop and also the pregnant one after birth otherwise it is a parasitic infection that in time can kill your fish if not treated :blush:
Thankyou Snazy! i will be sure to keep an eye on her! no babies yet! I can hardly wait lol! :hyper:
Yay! my guppy has had 9 fry! 4 were dead when i found them but 5 little ones are swimming around happily! now i have to work out what to feed the little cutiesd! :D
:yahoo: Congratulations! Feeding is simple; all you have to do crush up some regular flakes into a powder, (pouring the flakes into a teacup and then mashing them up with a chopstick works great) and then feed it to them. With lots of clean water, they should grow rapidly!
Thanks! I found a few more on closer inspection I have 15 little ones swimming around!! :D Thanks so much for your help!! :)
Congrats tei88. I always love to find a new drop in my tank, even after the last 50 years should have made me immune to that thrill.
19 healthy babies are going well! thanks everyone for your help :D

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