What And Why?


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Jan 29, 2012
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What is this fish? I think it's a platy but could be wrong, but if it's a platy why has it got such a big stomac?


  • DSC0000077.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 21
It looks like a platy but i'm going to need a clearer pic mate.
It could be possibly pregnant (most likely), could be bloated or have an internal parasite.
Need a better pic first.
Hard to tell from the pic, but does look like a very pregnant platy
i always have this problem, my fish move around too fast to take a picture! How would I know if she's pregnant?
as good as i can get because usually the file is too big

So why is it so fat?


  • P1010375.JPG
    77 KB · Views: 30
Try feeding it cooked, deshelled peas. Peas are like fiber for fish, clears the intestinal track of any blockages, cures constipation, etc. :good:
Defiantly looks like a very pregnant platy or a very bloated platie, and for your problem. If the fish stops swelling within 3 days then you should be fine, as in that pic the gravid spot looks very dark, and the fish Is huge. So it's probably just far along in its pregnancy
How long will it take for the platy to give birth? I bought it like that so its most likely to be pregnant. Could you explain the steps of platys preganncy?
When you look at it from above, does the scales appear to be sticking out from the body?
It kind of looks like it is from the second pic but can't tell.
I don't want to assume its pregnant and then something happens.
Yeah, it's sticking out, what happens if its pregnant? is it pregnant?
Looks like one of the 'balloon platys' that get sold in a shop near me. Horribly deformed things.

Yeah, it's sticking out, what happens if its pregnant? is it pregnant?

If its female and had been near males, it will probably be pregnant, and it will just drop the fry in the tank when it's ready. You don't need to do anything.
Yeah, I have to say, that's what it looks like to me too; though that doesn't mean it's not pregnant, it most likely is.

You can assume that all female livebearers are pregnant, all the time.

But we can't rule out dropsy without a better pic; try standing back a bit!
Does it look like this? http://www.allfishthailand.com/export/home/index.php?module=gallery&action=info&group_id=1&cate_id=35&id=427&page=1
Okay good, it is female, and before i bought it it as in a tank with about 10 males and there was 2 females and then i bought it with one male and one female, and the male died but the female then became bigger, because it was big when i bought it bbut not as big as this

I'll try getting a better picture, it does look a bit like that, well it did when i bought it, now it looks bigger

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