15 Gallon Tank Ideas

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Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2011
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i have a 15 gallon/66 litre tank sitting in the kitchen doing nothing. seems a bit pointless after i built the stand and lid for it. now i'm not using it for fry anymore. (filled up the main tank with loads rocks, plants, bogwood, slate and pots to help the fry) so i'm setting it back up but its an odd shape being 23 inches long by 16 inches high by 11 inches wide. its got a 100watt heater in it and 300lph filter so just needs me to do a fishless cycle and i'd be away. but dunno what to put in it. something bright and big would be nice as in the other tank i've got swordtails and guppies. any ideas welcome. also could i use my main tanks water to cycle the tank? would that help at all? thanks
Heavily planted, with shrimp and neon tetras? That'd look fabulous.
A betta, 6 kuhli loaches, and a school of say neons, or some rasboras, and some shrimp of your choice.
But if you don't like that 6 kuhlis should suit your fancy :lol: ;)
A pair of Apistos?
Maybe Shell Dwellers?
The water won't help.
not had much luck with neon tetras to be fair. don't think they like me. the apistos isn't a bad idea as i really liked the them. if i was to go with the rams could i get a pair and a few nannostomus beckfordi? yeah i was thinking to have the tank planted well. i've got java fern and xmas moss doing well in the main tank. i know tetras are a shoaling fish but do you get away with say two neons, two rummy nose, two black widow, two penuin, two bleeding heart, two buenos aires. or is it just 10 neons or they won't do the shoaling? is it a good idea to put the spare filter in the main tank to help it cycle then place it in the spare tank after normal weekly water changes? then start the fishless cycle and do some tests? i'm going to start the planting later once the temp is up. thanks for all ya help.
I think they would shoal together just to feel safe but they wouldn't be as happy as they would if they were in with their own kind.
Personally if you can get your ph and carbonate hardness up do some shellies! Heard they are Awesome and you can still plant will jungle val or other hard water loving plants.
These are the 2 things I was thinking of

10-12 harlequins, cardinals, neons, rummynoses, or 12-15 borraras brigittae
1 male Betta
4-5 endlers
6-8 Pygmy cories


10-12 harlequins cardinals, neons, rummy noses, or 12-15 boraras brigittae
1 dwarf gourami
6 kuhli loaches
4-5 male guppies

Hope I helped
If it was me, I would do a water change on your main tank and add whatever water you take out of old tank to the new one and top both up with tap water.

Also transfer a bit of biomedia and/or sponge from your main filter and squish it into your new filter with the new sponges.

I would also add some liquid biological supplement/bacteria as a food source for the bacteria.

People say not to change over mature water and that it doesnt make any difference but i always find it is better when transfering the biomedia from one filter to a new tank to have some of the same water so its less of a 'shock' and less likely to kill off any bacteria.

Effectively cloning the original tank, have managed to have tanks cloned and ready for fish in 3 days a fair few times now.


As for stocking... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I would go for heavily planted tank with some nice showy bits of bogwood...

15-20 Boraras merah (microrasbora) OR 10-15 Galaxy Rasbora (now Celestial Pearl Danios)
2 Yellow Honey Gouramis
10 Cherry Shrimp/Red Crystal Shrimp/Bumblebee Shrimp
(once really mature) might sneak 4-6 Sparkling Gouramis in there too :p
i have four filters so should be able to cycle the tank quite quickly. when i finally get round to starting it. even if it dont cycle that quick its only a 66litre tank. might have to get some more plants as the moss and java fern aint that colourful. the rasbora and rummy nose tetras and good options. would they be alright with rams? i'll put pics up when its all set up. :)
Personally if you can get your ph and carbonate hardness up do some shellies! Heard they are Awesome and you can still plant will jungle val or other hard water loving plants.


Lamprologus ocellatus, proper cheeky little fish. Think personality of an oscar but 2 inches long and you're there :rolleyes:
Personally if you can get your ph and carbonate hardness up do some shellies! Heard they are Awesome and you can still plant will jungle val or other hard water loving plants.


Lamprologus ocellatus, proper cheeky little fish. Think personality of an oscar but 2 inches long and you're there :rolleyes:
i'll have to have a look for some lamprologus ocellatus then as i quite like oscars just couldn't afford to fed them. this is the tank all set up. really doesn't look as good as it did in my head though. the reflector i fitted behind the light really helps out the 15w i got running as it twice as bright as before. any ideas on how to make this look less like newbie did it? lol


  • pic932.jpg
    41.7 KB · Views: 42
I think the tank looks great bro, I wouldn't change a thing. :good:


Okay maybe I would add some taller Bacopa plants toward the back. What kind of background does it have?

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