Big White Pimples On Sterbai Corydoras


New Member
Jan 26, 2012
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something is wrong with my Sterbai Corydoras and I can't find what it is.

He has about 5 grey-white big pimples on his body, some scale about his eyes and on the head are lost, his fins are crumbled and his colour is not as pure as it should be. He's behavior is normal. He is playing with other Corydoras, eating very well. At first I thought it could the white-spot disease and we were treating the tank with special medications, but no results at all.

Water parameters are good, except NO2 and NO3 are higher then it should be (but this is because the tank is quite new and maybe because of treatment from white-spot disease), other fish is healthy (I hope they are, I don't see any abnormal behavior or physical disorders). My tank is 190 liters.

I attach a photo of my poor Cory. I really hope somebody could tell what's wrong with him.




  • Corydoras33.jpg
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Was the medication you where using only for white spot or was it a broad spectrum antibacterial/ fungicide? It looks like be might be getting attacked by two illnesses at once so a broad spectrum treatment might be best.
Sera costapur. It's against white-spot disease and other skin parasites such as costia, chilodonella and trichodina. But we didn't use any salt, just raised up temperature.

What kind of illness do You suspect? 
My prefered fish book seems to have gone walkies, off the top of my head I can't recall the name of the main illness I was thinking of. I do think its more a bacterial infection with a possible fungal secondary attack.
 Thank you! Is it dangerous to other fish and what treatment should I use? 
I don't know which country your in so I can't really advise because every country is different on what medications they have and what is allowed to be sold. Basically I would find a Broard Spectrum medication that covers external parasites, fungal and bacterial infections. Some of these can be very strong so only use as directed. Personally I usually find a medication that is safe on loaches, tetras and fry, because if it doesn't harm them I figure it's going to be safe on nearly all other sorts of fish.

Also try posting your pic with all your tank info in the emergancy section if you haven't already, more people might have some more ideas on what it could be.

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