Betta With Dropsy Any Possible Cure?


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Sri lanka
hi guys... my betta fish having Dropsy . is there any possible cure? for this & problem get worse bcuz in our country fish supplies are limited specially medicines,
(but the good thing is Fish price is low :)) i use tetracycline but it's didn't work, his having this for 3 weeks for now..
Sorry to hear about your dropsy problem. I have never managed to get any fish through dropsy. It is horrid. I know that some people have found some improvement with using salt bath treatments. Hopefully someone will be able to give you the advice you need. I wish you lots of luck
Sorry to hear about your dropsy problem. I have never managed to get any fish through dropsy. It is horrid. I know that some people have found some improvement with using salt bath treatments. Hopefully someone will be able to give you the advice you need. I wish you lots of luck

thnx for the kind words...
The swelling is caused by the fish's body becoming swolen with fluid, because the internal organs have failed. The Epsom Salt bath referred to above helps to draw out the fluid, but it's only a treatment for the symptoms, not the cause. And the cause could be a number of things.

Thankfully, I've only ever suffered one loss to dropsy, but that is the only time any of my fish have suffered from it - in other words I also have a 0% survival rate. Unfortunately, the chances are that you will lose the fish.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
hey guys...Miracle!!!!!!! when this morning i check the fish his stomach is turning to normal, no pineconing scales,color is back... he is active now,
may be this things help him to recover i guess- *i stop Frozen food and live foods * put him beside the my other battas(he is aggressive and active then before) * change the water repeatedly & put him on lighten area!!

also brought two new betta yesterday!!

thanks guys..
wow,- great news there!! Really pleased to hear! Congrats on your new additions too! :D

thnx... he is fine now. but still there some color loss in his stomach....


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