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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Gatherer
Jul 11, 2002
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Didn't want ya to think your alone in the world of Vics...

I have decided to move this topic here to "Cichlid Heaven". Were starting to get a lot of questions going from this topic and it really needed the exposure the cichlid forum will give it!!



  • blue_fire_fin.JPG
    12.1 KB · Views: 120
well when i saw the pic i was very suspicious. want to know if it is what i think it is, then how many females he has.

What's the answer worth to you guys?? HHHMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

It is a Haplochromis(?) sp. blue fire fin.

I thought you got some of these from me Mags? In fact I though I sold you the one in the pic?

Maybe not though....


I do have about half doz. fry coming up, but that's it. I have some nice all reds on their way up as well. Selling off a lot of my breeders to restock with new bloodlines...WILD if possible ($$$$)

Then again may go for those flower.....WHAT AM I SAYING............J/K

you tease! thought i had found my female ruby greens that i have been searching for! no, i did not get the beauty in the pic. wish i did. may have to come by for a little looksee. here is my lake edward ruby green.



  • MVC_037S.JPG
    30.8 KB · Views: 121
You mean you're going to buy hornyflower fish ?
No, not CM... LOLOLOL

Now back to business at hand. There is a GOOD example on how easy it is for one to mistaken a Victorian species not in full breeding dress. From the angle and head shot I would have said Ruby Green 1st choice. But now that CM mentioed it, I see the blue fire fin look. Daaaaaaa, as I said before we live and learn. ( whaps self across head for making bad call ) This is a species I have seen a few of and most all tend to have a slightly different appearence. Overall same fish yet can real easy fool even the best of us.
Over 15 years keeping fish and I let that one by....daaaaaaaaaa Thats a crying shame not to be perfect. LOLOLOL I will be the first to say, Not the first time I was wrong and sure as hell won't be the last.
Alright, Alright I will try to make it the last... gessh...

Now CM when you getting new Victorians. ??????????????? Need to let me now cause I got some fish funds burning a hole in my left fin pocket.
I will try to remember to remind you to remind me to remind you that I WANT MORE FISH... I heard Victorians and my fins perked up. LOLOLOL
You know me a true fish junkie, gotta have my fish fix.

too much blood in your alcohol system that is the problem! :D

hey cm let me knw about these, i may want some. got a few extra tanks i could set up just for the occassion.

Wait, Wait, CM..... say no more just add me to the want list. I AM VERY SERIOUS> !!!! Any Nyererei you can get as long as it is from a reputable source I will buy.
Get me a list together of what you can get and send it over... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! beg, Beg, Beg,........... :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I got a trio of Black and Orange Nyererei which was the last Nyererei I got. But still I am ALWAYS lookinjg to expand my Nyererei collection. I got 12 so far and NEED MORE. I need my fix CM. lololol

Here is a list of the Victorians I currently have with the exception of a few I no longer have. Still even if you see it on the list I may want some more.


Astatoreochromis Alluaudi
Astatotilapia Piceatus Mwanza Gulf (Rare)
Astatotiapia Aneocolor
Astatotilapia Nubila Anchor Island
Haplochromis sp."Fire"
Haplochromis sp."Ruby Green"
Haplochromis "Red Tail Sheller" F2
Haplochromis sp. "Gold Kenya"
Haplochromis sp. Limax 
Haplochromis sp. Thick Skin Uganda
Haplochromis sp. "Albino" Thick Skin Uganda 
Haplochromis "Redside" Uganda  
Haplochromis "Blue Obliqueidens" Makobe Island
Haplochromis sp. "Red Back Scrapper" Nyegezi Bay
Haplochromis sp. "Purple Yellow" Nyegezi Bay
Harpagochromis sp. "Golden Duck"
Lipochromis "Matumbi Hunter"
Lipochromis "Red Parvidens"
Neochromis Nigricans
Neochromis "Velvet Black"
Paralabidochromis cf. Chromogynus Zue Island
Paralabidochromis "Red Fin Piebald"
Paralabidochromis Chilotes Zue Island
Paralabidochromis Plagiodon Mwanza Gulf
Pundamilia Nyererei
Pundamilia Nyererei Luanso Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Ruti Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Python Island 
Pundamilia Nyererei Igombe Island  ( Variant )
Pundamilia Nyererei Igombe Island
Pundamilia Pundamilia "Zebra Nyererei" Makobe Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Makobe Island
Pundamilia "Black and Orange" Nyererei
Pundamilia sp. "Blue Dorsal Nyererei"
Pundamilia sp. "Red Head Nyererei" 
Pundamilia sp. "Red Flank Nyererei" 
Pundamilia Macrocephala "Deep water" Python Island
Haplochromis "Crimson Tide Red Snout" Pundamilia
Haplochromis "Crimson Tide" (old aquarium strain) Pundamilia
Ptyochromis Salmon "Hippo Point"
Ptyochromis "Migora Red Chest"
Pyxichromis Orthostoma "Largemouth"
Platytaeniodus degeni F0 and F1
Xystichromis Phytophagus "Christmas Fulu"
Xystichromis "Day Glow" Yala Swamp F2
Yssichromis argens

A few of the ones above are conservation fish that were sent to me by the University Of Boston for a conservation effort and I can not part with till further notice. But, I know there are a few on this list you may want . :rolleyes:

Keep them Blue Fire Fins in mind also. Yes, the ones I miss named them. LOL

Waiting for list as we speak. twiddling thumbs and whistling..........

These I want more of due to the loses I suffered on them during the move.


  • Lipochromis_ParvidensRed.jpg
    61.3 KB · Views: 119
Yeap Ruby Green. See the olive green un the underbelly ? If the Red doesn't appear as bright it may be also due to a wash in breeding over the years. Once you breed them pull out a nice red male and keep him with 1 female for breeding. Thid will help get back the red upper half alot more.

Keeping them and breeding them in paurs has lots of pros but also cons. They will most definatly breed and you will have more colorfull males than if you would breed them in a group? Good question and one I am still researching.

but yes, I say they are Ruby Greens. Nice male I might add. Darn wish I would have sent you the females when wwe had the chance....arggggggggg

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