Sexing Guppy Fry?

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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So I have guppy fry in my tank that are about 4 weeks old...they have not been kept in a breeder net at any point...I didn't even breed them in they are growing quickly...I don't want these babies to start breeding under my nose before I can separate them...should I be able to sex them by now? How the heck do I tell? Their fins are just so darn small!!! :eek:

Thanks in advance!
Megan :)
It can be difficult if you have yellow bodied guppies (blonds) but if they are gray I can help you.

You should be able to see a dark almost black spot above the anal fin


The anal fin on males will look less triangular as they mature to look long and pointed!

If you are separating them and aren't quiet sure, I would place these ones with you males. Better having the odd female with a male rather than having one male with all your female :lol:

Hope this helps

Edit; it would help if I mentioned that the dark spot is on the females :blush:
haha thanks! yea i know the males have genopodiums and that females have the fanned out anal fin :) I just was wondering if I should be able to sex them by now? or maybe are the males genopodiums not fully formed? I don't think they are blondes...I'll put up a picture of their mother...tbh, i have no idea who their father is :blush: ...i bought her pregnant

There is another batch of babies now, too :eek: the blue one is THEIR mother...the yellow one is the mother of the first 12 :)


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Looking at your guppies it should be easy to see the black spot on the females from about one week old. My photo above is of my yellow (blonde) I was talking about and I have to wait until her yellow male babies start to delveloping their genopodiums to sex them :crazy: Though in saying that I think I might be able sex the yellow babies as I think (still on going learning process here) that the yellow females have a larger yellow spot in the same place than from the males. Haven't actually tested my theory but plan to. In my picuture below their is a grey guppy to the left and 2 blonde babies to the right!


Hope I've been helpful
Good luck :good:
one week?! uh oh...haha when can they start breeding?

And i looked and can't tell! :( they are all's body is half black, from the middle of the body to the tail...some have black spots blocking where the spot would be, and others i can't see anything :(
The female mature around 3month (sometimes sooner in warmer tanks) I think the male mature around two months. I would look out for early signs of the genopodiums in the males (the ability to move the genopodiums forwards, is a good indicator) if your are having trouble. I will try and get a photo of one of my female fry and highlight the spot for you :rolleyes:
Thanks! Here is a pic of my fry if this helps to show you what i mean...


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Molly fry tend to have colour from day one

Molly fry

Guppy fry do not and develop their colour as they grow

Guppy fry


You just have to wait for the genopodiums to develop in your male mollies for sexing unfortunatly.

But if you look at my picture of the baby guppies you will notice they lack the Gavid spot that developes on the females at about a week of age.

Here a photo of a young female showing the gravid spot.


wait, so they came from my balloon molly? :eek: But I watched my guppy give birth! :eek: They ARE four weeks old it possible they could be guppies? They were gray at the beginning i think...they got color about a week or so later...maybe a little less
Here: I got some better pics...The first pic is a pic of the newborns...idk how old...they were born while i was on vacation...what are they?

and the last two pics are pics of the four week olds




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I believe you have a mixture of balloon molly and guppy fry :hyper: . I would suspect your guppy fry are still grey and developing colour on their fins and tails. Your molly fry have the black spots/colour randomly over their body. If you can identify who's a molly and who's a guppy, it will become easier for you. I find personally that molly fry then to look a bit bigger/fatter headed than guppy fry. In time you will gain experience and find it easier to tell the difference. :good:

Here: I got some better pics...The first pic is a pic of the newborns...idk how old...they were born while i was on vacation...what are they?

and the last two pics are pics of the four week olds



The fist picture has grey babies that are GUPPIES and the orange ones is Mollies, the second picture appears to be mollies but I think I can spot one guppy near the most orange baby though it's a bit blurry, the last picture is all molly fry.

Here: I got some better pics...The first pic is a pic of the newborns...idk how old...they were born while i was on vacation...what are they?

and the last two pics are pics of the four week olds



The fist picture has grey babies that are GUPPIES and the orange ones is Mollies, the second picture appears to be mollies but I think I can spot one guppy near the most orange baby though it's a bit blurry, the last picture is all molly fry. this makes it harder for me to find someone to give them to!!! I have no idea what kind of fish they are! When can i start to tell? All of the older ones have color and spots...does this mean that the older ones are ballooon mollies and the newborns are guppies? Or could the newborns be mollies as well? I have 2 female balloon mollies and one female guppies...the mollies were in a tank with males when i bought them and the guppy was in a tank with just i don't know if she's ever been fertilized before...the one who i thought was the mother of the four week olds died a few weeks ago so she can't possibly be the mother of the new that leaves 1 guppy (who i don't even know if she's been fertilized) and 2 mollies... sheesh...:eek:

OOHHHH that explains why there is one gray fish that is bigger than the newborns but smaller than the colored ones!!! YAY I LOVE BALLOON MOLLY FRY!!! :D
I would believe the older ones are Mollies and the newborns are guppies. I have marked out who is who in you photos to give you a heads up. I'm pretty sure that your female guppy will have babies as they store the sperm of the father, if not mated within 24hrs of giving birth and can have around 4 sets of fry. It is very difficult to find a virgin female from the shop :rolleyes:

Anyway here your edited photos :nod:



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