Upgraded Tank, New Fishes Needed


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2011
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Hi all,

I have just upgraded my 80L to 260L juwel and would like to put more fish in.

I currently have:
1 angel around 4-5 inches tall
1 small rainbow fish
1 lyretail sword
2 rosy barbs1 neon (been alone for 12 months and doing great!)
2 female guppies
2 tiny dwarf gourami
2 plecos (think they may be sailfin??)

I would like to add another angel but was wondering what would be the best number to get?
I would also like some more rainbow fish and a normal sized gourami.

Does this sound ok?

There is a piccy of my new tank attached.
fish tank.jpg

Thanks guys!
the barbs and neons should be in groups of 6+, however, I presume they were at some point and the rest have 'ceased to be'?

you should definately increase the rainbows as they like groups as well.

In terms of adding an angel, you need to be cautious as your current angel might not like the new arrival. I use the word MIGHT. He could accept it or there could be fighting, just keep a close eye on things for the first few weeks. Some tall plants or wood that break line of sight would help so they aren't permanently aware of each others presence and have somewhere to 'run' should the other one get nasty.
Thanks ZoddyZod, the neons where in a group of 10 but 9 where very small and and got sucked into my old filter :(. The barbs where just bought as a pair and just stick together with the lyretail.#

Do you think it matters what time of rainbows i add? Do they need to be the same type or just relativly the same size?

My angel is quite placcid so may try some...1 or more?

I will get some extra tall plants to place in the centre along the back wall.
Thanksfish tank.jpg
the barbs are social fish so would prefer to be in a larger group (6+) so increase their numbers if you can.

For adding angelfish I would recommend asking that specific question directly in the New World Cichlid forum. More people in there will have experience of doing this and can adives the best way to do so.

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