How big would an apple snail grow to? My tank keeps getting an algae-like blanket forming on the sand, very hard to get to it all when cleaning. So I'd hope that would make an excellent snack for a snail.
How big would an apple snail grow to? My tank keeps getting an algae-like blanket forming on the sand, very hard to get to it all when cleaning. So I'd hope that would make an excellent snack for a snail.
If its a blanket it could very well and probably be a cyanobacteria infection (formally Blue-Green algae) in which case, the snail wont touch it. Cyanobacteria can only begin to colanise in stagnant waters, meaning you havnt got enough circulation in there. Add a powerhead to your tank to ensure sufficent water circulation. Also, if you can, try lowering the pH of your tank by adding peat (assuming your stocking will tolerate the acidic conditions) as most bacteria favour slightly alkaline conditions. Do the above and watch it dissapear.