Help! Tetras & Loaches Died Overnight!


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I posted yesterday about a possible bacteria bloom, which I then later attributed to my co2 bottle falling over and getting the liquid in the water. Did a big water change, water was less cloudy, thought everythings ok. This morning, water is really cloudy, and all 6 tetras and 1 loach (that I've found so far) are dead! Along with 2 dwarf frogs who got stuck in the snail trap, of course w/out any snails!! Any idea what has happened? This tank has been running relatively problem free for months now, I'm worried about the guppies...

I've just tested the water:

no2 & no3 are both basically 0
ph was between 7-7.5
kh 240
gh 180

Also the guppies are now gasping at the surface!
I dont know what to suggest as I am a bit of a newbie, but maybe another water change and if you have an airpump you could add that?

Good luck.
i'd say get as much oxygen in there as possible, and if you need to, get the guppies into a different tank with clean water. It would seem that you just have really low oxygen levels. Make sure your filter is disturbing the surface and making bubbles to put oxygen in, and let us know how you get on. Just make sure you get oxygen in there asap.
After several unsuccessful water changes, I ended up having to basically remove everything from the tank- thoroughly cleaning all the plants, and washing the filter out in tap water to remove the slime. I'm sure now that this was all a result of the sugar/yeast mixture getting into the tank and causing a massive bacterial bloom. What a huge pain!!
It was a bad move washing your filter under tap and removing the slime,this slime was probably the good bacteria the filter had built up over time,now the bacteria bloom you are getting is because the filter is having to start a fresh...

Have a read in the beginners section of fish in cycle,due to the fact your filter media has more than likely suffered,you will need to do daily waterchanges to keep the fish from dying from toxic ammonia & nitrite.

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