My Cory's Laid Eggs


New Member
Feb 2, 2011
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hey guys i am a newbie to the fish world. for a quick description of the situation i have a 55 gallon tank with two cory cats in it(other fish died during a move and they are the only survivors) i noticed eggs all over the glass and plants last night. i really want these to hatch!

my question is how do i know if they are fertile eggs or not?

if i leave them in the tank with the parents should they be fine since the tank is so big and there are only the two in there?

last how long until something happens?
Hi & welcome :)

Congrats on your corys spawning,what type of corys do you have?

Its best to remove the eggs has the adults will munch on them and any fry that hatch out...

Have a read up Here,full of fab info.

The best way to remove the eggs is too gently roll them onto your finger and pop them into a tub with an airstone and tank water,this will help with circulation.(or better still set up a small tank with a sponge filter etc.)

If they are fertile,depending what corys you have either white/creamy/beige colour,if you look closely you'll see a dot in the middle,this shows they're probably fertile,any eggs that go solid white or fluffy are either unfertile or damaged and will not hatch.Normally eggs hatch in 3-6 days,dependant on temperature in the tank and what species.
Hope this helps :)

Good luck :good:
to be honest im not sure what kind of cory they are. i am still very new to all of this. the eggs are almost see through and there is a white spot in it with a black spot
First off congrats on the eggs :good:

Secondly is there any chance you could post a picture of describe your cories so we can try identify them for you

And finally :hi: to the forum :D
here are some pics. the glass is a bit dirty havnt had time to clean it still getting my new house in order


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yeah they look similar mine are a little bit darker. they ate a bunch of the eggs last night. i am gonna go get a breeders net today. i think even if these dont hatch i will go get a couple more cory's and try to breed them it is pretty i am going to restock the tank this week anyway.
probably due to the different substrate making yours darker

if you haven't got one you might also want to pick up and air pump :good: stops the eggs getting fungus
ok so last time they ate all the eggs. last night i noticed they were chasing each other all over the tank and i woke this morning and there are eggs all over the tank again.

when they were chasing each other around were they mating?
i still only have them in the tank, and i am not sure if one is a male.
i was thinking about going today and getting a breeders net and maybe a male so i can increase the chances of having some
i went and got a breeders net and i put it in front of where the filter is so that the water flow helps keep the fungus off the eggs i did notice they look kinda tan once i turned the light off in the tank. so i am hoping for the best!

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