I Think They've Bred!

What i've always wondered is that if the eggs are fertilized after the spawn then how come when i've seen my corys spawn(i've watched to many spawns to count) that once the eggs are laid i've never seen the male going over to fertilize them???

So whats the point of the T position happening if the male is supposed to do the bizz after??

sorry going a bit off topic now... Frank where are you :lol:

swear from watching mine the female takes the sperm into her mouth or something, which is the T Shape, then it looked like she was spitting it onto them idk tho :lol: read this somewhere aswell.
swear from watching mine the female takes the sperm into her mouth or something, which is the T Shape, then it looked like she was spitting it onto them. idk tho. read this somewhere as well.
The "ingesting" sperm hypothesis has been around since the 50's. A Japanese research report, supposedly documenting this process through dyes and spectral videography, has yet to be found for inspection.

The more accepted, but equally unproven scenario is the female stimulates the release of milt while the pair is in the T-position and then rapidly fans the milt past the eggs in her ventral pouch, before going off to lay them on a pre-cleaned spot.

At this point, as far as I know, both scenarios are still in play. I believe that Ian Fuller will be mentioning both in the upcoming rerelease of his Cory breeding book. - Frank
On the 30th I decided it would be best not to keep the eggs as i didnt want any deformed fish :alien: , so i poured them back into the tank and the fish ate them. :nod:

The next day i bought another bronze cory and being a third of the size of the other bronze and the sex was unknown i thought chances of breeding would be pretty slim. :unsure: As soon as the bronze was in the tank they immediatly started swimming around together :friends:

Yesterday I turned on the lights and there was the bronze doing the 'T' and then the big bronze went and laid eggs all over plants rocks, filter etc.. :yahoo: :yahoo: I take it the eggs are fertile so i have setup the breeders box with sand, small plant and filter next to the box allowing water to flow through the grates.. :good: heres a picture of the setup...


what do you think?

Hi fishmad135 :)

I think you did the right thing with not keeping the first eggs. This time you know you will have good ones. You will need to have a constant flow of water passing over the eggs to reduce the risk of fungus setting in.

I can't tell for sure about the size of the slots in the container but if it is intended for livebearer fry, the tiny fry might be able to escape since they are much smaller.
Thanks for the speedy reply inchworm :fish:

I have added some methylene blue to prevent fungus on eggs etc.. And as for the breeding tank, what would you suggest using instead? I have lots of containers i could use - lunch boxes, icecream tubs.. allsorts.. any ideas? :thumbs: I would go and buy a better breeders box but i cannot as all this week i have school and then after school i have vet work.. :look:
Hi fishmad135 :)

This is a picture of a batch of newly hatched corys. They are C. schultzi but they are similar in size to newly hatched bronze C. aeneus. They are in the corner of a 10 gallon tank. I just wanted to give you some idea about their size.


You could use any small container to hatch the eggs and then move them to something a little larger after they have hatched. Just a suggestion, but here's a picture of eggs being hatched in two deli containers. After hatching they were moved to the 2 1/2 gallon tanks that you can also see.


Edit: The eggs being hatched here are C. panda. They will spawn on those thermometers you see and, rather then touch the eggs, I just move the whole thermometer into the container. With the bronze corys that spawn on the glass and other surfaces, I would just roll the eggs onto my finger and transfer them to the sides of the container.
Well done Fishmad you made the right decision :good:

And fantastic news on your spawning,your decision getting another bronze definately paid off :hyper:

I would be wary about using the breeder box,has inchworm said the slits may let the fry escape or even be sucked out by your other fish...

Let us know how the eggs go :good:
Thanks for the help inchworm, it really helped :D

I have just started setting up my main tank ^_^ Its around 8 gallons, and in it i have:
-Sand substrate
-a few plants
-Some rocks

Heres a picture of the tank (the water is blue because there is menthylene blue in it and there is a filter in there which will be taken out when the fry are put in.)


it this okay? :unsure:

And here is a quick picture of the eggs :wub:

tank egg.jpg

sorry if the picture isnt too clear, but if you can make the eggs out then just to makesure, do you think they look okay? :look:

Imogen :thanks:
Hmm.. i was wondering.. The methylene blue has caused the tank water to go blue and i was wondering if this will affect the fry? :unsure:


The water isnt as blue as it was when this picture was taken last night.. i have done water changes since then.. :look:
dunno bout the blue stuff, i only ever had a few go furry. Would recommend some java moss if you want to keep raising fry as it will help provide food for them. Also be weary about putting different batches of fry in the same tank i had 3 batches in the same tank (roughly 10 days between each batch) and the first batch ate the 3rd :crazy:
I had a look in 3 of my local fish stores yesterday and none of them had java moss :no:

Anything i could use instead? :nod:
I had a look in 3 of my local fish stores yesterday and none of them had java moss :no:

Anything i could use instead? :nod:

Try ebay, careful tho cos some people sell crap as java moss, look for one like, where they actually have a picture of it, as if its somebody whos just got too much and wants to get rid.

Theres aload of other mosses, moss balls aswell poss? pets at home sell those.

not bad on wood aswell
I dont have ebay :-( My dad does, but he is away at work for a week and deffinatly wont trust me with his ebay details.. -_-

As for moss balls.. I might be able to get a few of those in the next few days :)
I dont have ebay :-( My dad does, but he is away at work for a week and deffinatly wont trust me with his ebay details.. -_-

As for moss balls.. I might be able to get a few of those in the next few days :)

only thing id say about moss balls is they arnt that...furry...they are just balls so id definately still look into moss when u can :nod:

oh take a look in the classified sections on here, seen a few people selling moss's, go quick tho :fun:

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