Help 中国 Me

Where are you in China? I lived in Guangzhou (Canton) for a while when I was younger.

wo de zhongwen bu hao putonghua, zai guangzhou wo you yige zhongwen laoshi.

Wo mingbai pinyin
I am in my university in baoding,only 100km from beijing.your chinese so good .Guangzhou have a big market sell many beautifull fish i would like to guangzhou for a long time .
But i not have enough money ,i am only a student.
I took mandarin for 3 years. The problem was we had a really dumb teacher and she never taught us anything. I can't even remember the pinyin alphabet. The most complicated thing I can remember is ni jao she ma ming shi? and my name, shan mu. If you need any help with english I'm sure we can help you out (and language arts is my favorite subject at school)
I took mandarin for 3 years. The problem was we had a really dumb teacher and she never taught us anything. I can't even remember the pinyin alphabet. The most complicated thing I can remember is ni jao she ma ming shi? and my name, shan mu. If you need any help with english I'm sure we can help you out (and language arts is my favorite subject at school)
Thank you .i like fishkeeping though i am only 20 years old ,my classmates know my hobby ,they feel amazeing!i will graduate
next yeas ,and then work ,i want to study how to make a big tank by self,i come here to study foreigners how they make tanks
I took mandarin for 3 years. The problem was we had a really dumb teacher and she never taught us anything. I can't even remember the pinyin alphabet. The most complicated thing I can remember is ni jao she ma ming shi? and my name, shan mu. If you need any help with english I'm sure we can help you out (and language arts is my favorite subject at school)
Thank you .i like fishkeeping though i am only 20 years old ,my classmates know my hobby ,they feel amazeing!i will graduate
next yeas ,and then work ,i want to study how to make a big tank by self,i come here to study foreigners how they make tanks
i have 4 tanks running right now. i am 12 years old. trust me you aren't one of the young ones that love fishkeeping around here. you're also not one of the old ones!
Hi shz, were you able to view the large tanks in the aquascaping contest with the link from freedom fighter?

The site is

and you click on "Aquascaping Contest"

then choose "View Entries"

then choose "Aquatic Garden - Extra Large"

then choose "Browse the Index"

and choose from different large tank entries to see examples of what you can do with large tanks. Large tanks are expensive though and lots of work!

Hi shz, were you able to view the large tanks in the aquascaping contest with the link from freedom fighter?

The site is

and you click on "Aquascaping Contest"

then choose "View Entries"

then choose "Aquatic Garden - Extra Large"

then choose "Browse the Index"

and choose from different large tank entries to see examples of what you can do with large tanks. Large tanks are expensive though and lots of work!

Thank you very much. :nod:

I like very much !But i have no money to built than so big tank ... :hey: This is china Aquarium Forums .is about betta .you can see many many pictures!
welcome to our forum :good:
you my like to look Here . Plywood tanks are a good way of having larger tanks, without the extra cost.
in china ,some old people like feed the fish like this many chinese people think only old people like fishkeeping
But now,more and more young penple begin to feed Tropical Fish.In the past 10years,china begin to feed Tropical Fish.


5.jpgwe use this to feed goldfish

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