What Is This White Protruding Thing On Frank


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Jun 1, 2010
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Our fish Frank has always had what we thought was a "birthmark" when we got him. We've had him for about a year and now where this birthmark is, there is a protruding white thing growing out. I thought it was some sort of fungus so we used our "ick" stuff and nothing happened to it. We have no idea what it is. Does anyone have any clue? He is still swimming around, active, eating, blowing bubbles. Is this something we should be concerned about? Also is there anything else based on the picture we should be concerned about or does he look pretty healthy? Thanks to all for your help.


  • 2010-06-01 09.39.36.jpg
    2010-06-01 09.39.36.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 22
Hard to say but if it looks fluffy I'd suspect a fungus and if it isn't fluffy, I'd suspect an external parasite.
If he has had it for a year, it may well be some sort of benign tumour that is slowly growing (something a bit like a mole). If it is, and he is happy, then there is no need to worry. The only treatment would really be surgery, which isn't really appropriate for a fish. He may happily live his whole life with it, or it may get large enough to become a burden for him, in which case there may come a time you may consider euthanising him.
that is lymphocystis(sp?). it is viral in nature. will not outrightly kill him. there is unfortunately no treatment. he will likely live a normal happy life with it.
keep in mind that it is contageous with similar species fish. so if you have other bettas, be wary of contaminating their spaces with his water (ie from nets, hands, syphons, etc).
no real need to worry-it just doesnt look very nice.

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