Hillstream Loach Tank

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I just recently finished sorting out my 68 litre Hillstream Loach tank, so I thought I would put up some pics for you all...

Now then, here's a shot of the full tank. The plants in there went in yesterday and they are malayan swords. There are only 3 hillstreams in there at the moment but I will be adding more. There are 2 Beaufortia Kweichowensis and one Gastromyzon sp. - Chinese Hillstream.

The lights are on from 8am until 10.30pm which is longer than usual to promote algae growth. I never feed them.

1/5 - Please do not reply yet!! ;)


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Another full tank shot, you can see the Chinese Hillstream sitting on the plant pot in the right corner.


2/5 - Please do not reply yet!! ;)


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A final full tank shot from the right, you can see one of the Beaufortia Kweichowensis on the glass :)

3/5 - Please do not reply yet!! ;)


  • Whole_Tank__Updated__From_Right.jpg
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Looks great Cheese, you have given the perfect enviroment. :thumbs:

Sorry replied to early. :X :*)
LOL @ ryan - you just could not wait, eh?! :p

Here's the final picture of the Beaufortia Kweichowensis basking from the other side.

5/5 - GO! GO! GO!


  • Hillstreams_Basking_2.jpg
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WOW!! Looks great Cheese, nice fast, cool current and some great little Hillstreams enjoying themselves no end.

I blame it all on the computer. :shifty:
:D looks great Dana .....how many loaches will you have in there when you've finished?

That's a lovely tank design you've got there, I especially like the way you've shaped the sand. And the plants look really nice too. :)
Thanks for your nice comments :)

ryan - They seem happy enough, very active. :nod:

Sue - I am looking at there being 6-10 of them in there in the end, but it depends what is available to me.

waterwatereverywhere - Thanks :*) I liked the ideas of having an uneven substrate and I am very please with the plants. I got 5 like that for £1 and have put some in other tanks too! Just hope they root ok.

DrOizo - Aren't they!! It's not very often I actively seek out a fish but with these I had to!

Dana :)
JamesTasker said:
They look really cool :cool: :D . How much were they and how big are they/will they get?
They only get to about 3" and are probably knocking on full size. The Chinese one was £5 from Pets at Home and the other 2 were £3.50 from Tri-mar. They are not easy to get hold of around here.


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