Pictures of Fry!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:thumbs: I just thought I'd share some pictures of my fry. Well, here's my 4 month old male guppy which I named Apollo. He's my first fry that I ever raised and released into my main tank! :wub:

:) Enjoy the pictures!


  • Apollo.JPG
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:D Here's two of my swordtail fry. Precious (in the lower right) is with her younger sister Peggy Sue (at the top.) Even though Precious is older, she's a light cream color while Peggy Sue is a bright orange color like her mother. I have no idea where Precious developed her cream color, since her mother is a bright orange like one of her "daughters." -_- Maybe she'll grow up to be a lighter color swordtail or something. Precious loves to explore between the gravel, which always makes me tense because I'm worried if she'll find her way out alive. Sorry about the blurry picture. :sad:


  • Precious_and_Peggy.JPG
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:) Here's my latest batch of guppies. There are 13 in all and just starting to develop their color of their tails. Wait a minute! That big black fry is not a guppy fry . . . it's a black molly. Can you believe that the black molly fry is only one week older that the other! I named her Susie! :hyper:


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:D This is my pride of joy . . . my 5 month old balloon molly, Mandy! She's still a bit small for her age, but I'm hoping once I move her into my 29 gallon tank her growth would spark. Isn't she so cute? :wub:


  • Mandy2.JPG
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is mandy Albino? the pic she looks like red eyes and peach/pink body...she is a pretty one. I have 1 molly fry and 3 platy fry that were born about 2 days apart. The Platties are 2 days younger and half the size of the molly. I guess mollies grow faster than others. :dunno:
:D Thanks!

:) Mandy is not albino, she is actually a peach color just starting to develop her orange. Her mother was a bright orange balloon molly, and Mandy's starting to get her beautiful color. I had to use flash in that picture, so it makes her appear lighter and it isn't very clear. :thumbs:
SOOO cute :wub:

I have 2 grown up platy fry (4 and 3 months old respectively)...I discovered to my dismay last night that the older of the 2 is male :no: I wanted him to be a girl....and it looks like the other one is going to be male too....I wonder if you can take em back?? 8) (jk)

I also have 6 1week old platy fry in the net....they still loo like rice grains with eyes!!
:D I'm glad you remembered Mandy's story Alaska! Mandy was the only fry that survived from the batch after my favorite balloon molly Mindy died from a filter accident. :( After Mindy's death, I promised myself that I would do anything to keep Mandy alive and so far she's been great! She did have a mysterious dent in her sideonce that strangly disappeared, but besides that she's been heathy. I'm hoping she'll grow up to be a beautiful balloon molly like her mother! :thumbs:

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