Introducing Ollie


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
He wouldn't pose properly so I did the best I could. A bit blurry but you get the idea...

I am getting a proper tank for him today. I had to get him when I saw him and he is now in a livebearer breeding trap :( He is the nicest betta at all my LFS's so I had to rescue him.


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you finally got one chook! the betta is amazing!!! jealousy...i can never find such great looking bettas

great betta chook
Synastic said:
Very nice Crownie Ang. I am so Honored you named him after me. (and no people my name is not Ollie but close.) :cool:
then your real name must be......Oliver?????? bout....Olga? no? hmmm.... then what is it?

Nice betta Chook! :thumbs: Glad you finally got one. Can I ask how much it was?
Thankyou for all the nice comments peeps. I told Ollie and he flared for me :p

I have always been very picky with fish when buying them, drives the LFS people crazy....Ollie was no exception...he was the only betta there that looked good and responded to me.... :D

He doesn't seem interested in the other fish when they swim past the trap, except for my male guppy which he tries to attack....lucky theres plastic between them!!! :eek:
Great looking betta chook!

$6.85 AUD, at my lfs they sell them for $8!!!

can't wait to see more of him! :nod:
He's Very Cool. Glad You chose him, Hes Purdy

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