What Do You Think Of My Dragon?

LilyRose Tank

Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Guys, what do you think of this little Darling I just bought.

We thought he was stunning, so have made arrangements to have him when my tank is running correctly.

awesome =]

I think you can say and link to other sites as long as they arent in anyway similar to this one...I think...
I wasn't sure if the other members would take offense at my buying him from ebay...not sure about aquarists decorum yet. We are going to call him Blaze, but he took my breath away when I saw him last week. Anyway, I'm having trouble setting up my tank

Here's the link if you want a read, and see if you can give me any ideas? thanks for approving him. I think hes stunning. Cant wait to get my tank sorted now for him!! ***excited***

Oh no I think many members buy from ebay :good:

I saw this Betta on there, If I had money I really really would!

Maybe you should try and look for some mature media?

Mature Media

theres a list of people who can donate, I had a quick look and theres a member from near you who is still active, its worth a shot! I would donate to you but im too far away :(
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
wow, thanks thats rrally helpful. That betta on ebay.....make an offer see what she says....email her, i did
oooh MewMew I love that blue lace boy :drool:

And LilyRose I bought one of her fish recently, and he is a gorgeous boy, extremely happy, but I had to put in a dispute with paypal as I bought him for £22 as a HM male but he is only a SD.

Also, she states she will send him with a heatpack and she didnt, the poor man was frozen :(

Healthy and happy though - always at the front of the tank.

Gorgeous boy though :D

How much did he cost you LilyRose?

(pics of the boy I bought attached)


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where are you living mewmew just for curiosity

Can you give me some tips on looking after my Blaze, as I havn't kept anything other than a goldfish before lol

Hyach....I was admiring him earlier when I was reading your thread about purchasing him, he's beautiful, Fair Play she has some beauts
I paid 25 with postage

Can someone plz tell me the difference in the tails, I understand what a crowntail looks like.
HM is a half moon
what sd

and is there a thread showing the diffs

Oh and this is the tank I'm gonna use for Blaze...its a 64litre

Sure thing, Im in Manchester SK7 Area!

Will he be on his own or are you going to keep him in a community?

general care is keep the flow light as bettas have really big tails and therefore have a hard time swimming!

they will readily accept and food, most members on here feed them 'Hikari' Betta pellets, you can get them on ebay, once a week as a treat i feed them a couple of frozen bloodworms each

they can be really temperamental, so if you are keeping him in a community then watch out for any bad behaviour, also watch out for nippy fish or his tail will be in tatters!

decor wise, give him a cave he can retreat to if hes being moody, and lots and lots of plants so he can rest on them, anubias is a good plant for that, make sure the plants arent sharp! or they will rip his tail, silk or real plants are the best bet

hmmm cant think of anything else right now....

Whens he arriving? =]

Edit: SD is super delta

heres a link, it may help Tail Types
nice tank set up :good: - my only question is are those plants plastic? Just so you know (and I'm not preaching, honest!) if they are plastic they will shred your bettas fins, and if you paid that much the last thing you want is to have a shredded betta!

SD = super delta - I'm not sure if either your boy or mine is SD or delta - but these are similar to a halfmoon but not quite perfectly rounded - I think delta is just under halfmoon and super delta is over halfmoon size.
Beautiful guy Lilyrose, the tank looks lovely too :good: think you do have a halfmoon there although it appears to be getting over a bout of fin rot? either way he should look great once he is fully healed, shame to hear yours is not a hm Haych but he's still beautiful :wub: betta number 10 on there at the mo is my fave, not quite sure what is going on with his dorsal though :/
he was advertised as a dragon....and yes the plants are plastic,....my real ones died...there are two real...the grasses inthe artificial wood on the right and the asnubias ( i think) in the middle in front of the stone on the right...but its leaves are going transparent so i'll probably loose that one too
Hes not going to arrive until I send for him as my tank isnt fully cycled yet

EDIT..oo and I forgot to add, I'm planning on putting white cloud mountain minnows (10) in with him, as they will complement his colours x
Hyach, just read your post again, I think yours would be the sd and mine the Delta, yours fins are much bigger, but beautiful all the same ....I love em!
with half moons the spread of the tail fin is 180% when flared. deltas fall below this (less than 180). super deltas are defined as "over delta" (depends on the number of rays in the tail and how much they split)- so would go delta, superdelta, halfmoon. anything over a 180 degree spread is an over half moon (OHM) . there are also feather and rose tails- but that refers to the "ruffles" on the edges and how many times the rays split. usually these are halfmoon variety or over half moons. spade tails look like a spade. roundtails are also out there and as name describes, are round. veiltails are the "common" bettas (although my favorite type) and their tails are very long and droopy, as a veil.
and then there are half suns and over half suns. these are a crown mix with HM and OHM and have little "points" on the fins as crowntails do. and a comb tail is a crowntail with too much "webbing" between the rays in the tail fin. i think thats all of them.

i love your new guy. and his tank is GREAT!

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