My Fish Just Had Fry, I Need Advice!


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hello. My fish just had fry i put the fry in a breeder cage. What temp should i have the water at? Should i keep off the light for them or keep it on? I need help im sooo lost
What type of fish are they?
Keep the fry away from the parents till they are about this big _____ maybe abit bigger.
I always treat mine the same way as my adults just don't feed them big flakes :lol:
What type of fish are they?
Keep the fry away from the parents till they are about this big _____ maybe abit bigger.
I always treat mine the same way as my adults just don't feed them big flakes :lol:

They are fancy guppys, so far i have counted about 22 but she is still going and i dont know if i have cought they all yet. how many times a day should i feed them?
About twice a day once in the morn and once in the evening. You will also be able to give the fry live baby brine shrimp as it is just the right size for them, this is if you can't crush the flakes up small enough. Hope they do well. Is it her first drop?

Edit: The baby brine shrimp will also encourage the fry to eat by having to chase them.
Im not sure but i think it is her first. Im thinking she is gone having fry. There is about 25. How old do they have to be before i can give them to a local fish store?
The fish on the left is the one who just had the fry. Can you tell if she is done?


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She still has her gravid spot so just keep an eye on her for the next few days if she has no more then she is done. :D If it is her first time then your quite lucky as most guppies give birth to about 20 max on their first time. :good: shes very pretty btw.

Edit: When they start showing their colours they should be old enough to identify which gender they are. This is when you can take to your LFS.
Thank you so much for you help! I wouldnt have known what to do without your help
Happy to help :D plus now you know what to do in the future aswell.
to crush the flake food what i do is i put whatever it is im going to crush(freeze dried bloodworms and different types of flake food) into a little ziploc bag. then i close the bag and i just start crushing them with my fingers. then to give it to the fry i just take a toothpick and dip it into the tank and then dip it into the bag. then with the food on it, i dip it into the fry tank and swirl it so the food goes down and spreads to places. by swirling it the food moves alot and the fry love chasing them lol its really funny. hope this helps.
For flake food, you can crush a flake or two between your fingertips while you are feeding the fry.

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