Fish Crazy
Thanks for viewing, please help me anyone. I have a 10 month old fighterfish, have had him for about 6-7 months. He is in an 86 litre, not sure in gallons, like 28 or something i think. Water parameters are all fine and stable, and all of a sudden when i got home from a 4 day holiday, hes lying on the bottom of the tank dead. I reach down with my net to get him out and woosh, he swims off. He has been doing this non stop for about a week. Then i spotted, just above his gill, on his head, he has a white patch, the size of a pin head, which is white, and flat but then it has like spike looking things coming out, and it looks kinda cottony. He has also lost both anal fins, and its all fluffy and stuff down there. I have seperated him into a little cut open coke bottle with tonic (a general fish disease medicine) and salt, and i put a little plant in there to aerate it. Is he going to die, do i have to put him out of his misery, i REALLLLLLY dont want to do that. But it saddens me every time i come home to see him just lying there so sick. WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?!?!?!?!
Here are some photos. Ps the water is blue because the medicine i gave him makes the water blue.
Here are some photos. Ps the water is blue because the medicine i gave him makes the water blue.