Baby's first bloodworms


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
Gave the 5 week old's their first taste of frozen food tonight, started with daphnia then threw in some bloodworms to see how it went. The bloodworms got 144 fins up :thumbs: Then...there was the very last bloodworm remaining, one of the smaller babies grabbed it and swam away from all the others trying it's hardest to gulp it down but the worm was too big so he just let it dangle for awhile (more like let himself dangle from the BW)...



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notice the siblings saying "hey....see what he has?!"


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Then an older bully of a brother snagged it from him, shoulda been faster :dunno:

One last look at everybody before they move into a big tank tomorrow :wub:


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They are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! Omg wuv~! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Congratulations on such a healthy large batch! :D :thumbs: :nod:

YOU ROCK! :hyper:
Thanks :*) I gotta say...they're the messiest crew I've ever met :S I'll be glad to move them out of the small tank, these twice daily vacs are the pits :p
awww it was worth it's weight in gold to post it then,Alaska :wub:

Well...I'm happy to report that that one simple meal did wonders. Out of all 72 fry (I think there may be a few more than that tho) I have 3 who have had trouble developing their swim bladders, they would lay on the bottom and struggle up to the surface to breathe but they'd still eat and grow so I just left them. The betta in the pic is actually one of the handicapped bettas and that's why he had such a hard time with the bloodworm, the others just suck them down like spaghetti. Anyway....he's straightened out within the last couple of hours :flex: :kana: I can't find the other 2 anywhere either so I guess the same happened for them :thumbs:
That's very interesting that you said that. I had a batch of molly fry that was "immature" or just not developing well in my experience. I decided to stop the crushed flake rountine and try live brine shrimp hoping that the feed and the activity of "catching their own meal" would bring them up to snuff. I was impressed and amazed at the dif in the fry after the first meal or two. Perky, less swimming problems and real size gains and fast. Hmmmmm, we're on to something eh?

That is interesting. These have eaten nothing but microworms and live baby brine since they were tiny, I was assuming that it was the diet of mostly brine (having noticed that those particular 3 snubbed the microworms and ate only shrimp). So I guess the simple solution is a change in diet, :thumbs:

I'm feeding them more daphnia as I sit here scrolling the forum, just dropper at a time because most won't scrounge on the bottom :rolleyes: but everybody is gobbling it up (and fighting like crazy, I can't wait to give them more space!)

I took all of the plants out yesterday to scrub them and I found the teeniest tiniest fry, he looks the size of a 1 week old, but he's 5 weeks and stays well hidden....I saw him take some of the daphnia tonight and then all of a sudden he became brave and ventured into the crowd...not for long though,they thought he looked tasty :lol: -_-
:hyper: :wub: :wub: They couldn't be any betta looking!! (*snort* still on the puns kick...) They're so wonderful, and I'm so glad to hear you have so many. Now I won't feel as bad stealing a pair. ;) They will enjoy having a big tank to themselves too - and you obviously will too! Twice daily vacs, ewww... :X I bet they start growing like weeds now that you've got them on frozen and in a bigger tank. *sends growing thoughts to them* :D

The dangling baby cracks me up, I'm glad to hear he/she is better now though, as far as swimbladder. Cute little bugger!! Though they all are... Ok ok I could go on and on, they just are the best things in the world. SO CUTE. I can't wait... :*)
LMAO@ your puns :rofl: :rofl: :rolleyes: I've noticed those the last few nights,nutters :lol:

Aren't they precious? but they really don't photo well, their orangieness makes them look like naked baby hamsters in the pics :lol: :lol: Trust me....I'm ready to ship them off to ya already :S I don't think I'll have any problems parting with some :lol: (J/K, I'm more attached then I let on ;) ) But seriously...some have got to go soon!

I moved the 7 week olds out yesterday,into their own 1 gallons :/ that kinda sucked but I needed their tank, it was time for them to move out of the crib and into big boy/girl beds
Good lord that's alot of betta babies! :blink: I wish I had the patience and resources to raise some,I tried once but I gave up when it didn't work. Looking at yours makes me wanna try again,tho. :wub: :wub: :)
Hi wuv :)

Those babies are just sooo sweet! :wub:

They will really start growing now that they eating worms. :nod: My corys love to play tug-of-war with them, and I bet your little fellers will enjoy doing that too! :thumbs:

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