German Blue Ram Has White Spot On Forehead


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Hi everyone,

My German Blue Ram has a big white spot in the middle of his forehead. It looks like a giant pimple. There are no other spots and he seems to be eating well/active. Any suggestions? Would like to figure out what to treat him with so it doesn't get worse!

I purchased him a week ago after getting a new tank ready for a few weeks with some live plants, etc. Nitrates are good, pH is a little high (I keep trying to lower it, but to no avail), water is slightly hard. Ammonia levels are safe.

You can lower ph by adding bogwood to the tank or peat in the filter.

The spot does it have any redness to it.
Does the spot look like its filled with fluid.

It sounds bacterial if there no signs of flicking and rubbing.
Can you issolate the fish for treatment.
You can lower ph by adding bogwood to the tank or peat in the filter.

The spot does it have any redness to it.
Does the spot look like its filled with fluid.

It sounds bacterial if there no signs of flicking and rubbing.
Can you issolate the fish for treatment.

No redness on the spot and it does not look filled with fluid. He's the only one in the tank right now, so no need to separate him for treatment. I may try that bogwood idea. No matter how many drops of pH down I add, the tank continues to test alkaline. What medication would you suggest?
Don't bother with ph adjusters more trouble than there worth.

Need location for a med.

Get you some info the spot if I can find it.

Make sure there nothing sticking out of the pimple. If not take the bacterial route.
Don't bother with ph adjusters more trouble than there worth.

Need location for a med.

Get you some info the spot if I can find it.

Make sure there nothing sticking out of the pimple. If not take the bacterial route.

In Los Angeles if that helps with the meds.

Just noticed a little bit of loose skin (or scale, I guess?) on his head above the pimple, but still nothing sticking out of it. Thanks for the link. I'll try raising the temp for now until I can go out and get medication.
I wouldn't raise the temp.

These meds might knock water stats.

maracyn plus or maracyn one and two.
I would crank the heater up to 82oF, it would really help him out, with the immune response.

Wilder- HITH is common in rams, is there a possibility it could be that? I am by no means an expert by the way, I just wondered as new worlds are prone to it.
Yes hole in the head can start off as pimples truck.
Never knew rams could get hole in the head.

Pimples can also be bacterial.

Here a link to hole in the head and pimples.
Are you treating the fish?
Are you treating the fish?

Yes, I gave him anti-Parasite meds recommended for HITH. I think it's almost the end for him, though because he's flipping end over end in the tank and can't seem to control his swimming. Also now losing color and has popeye.

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