Baby Fry Q's


New Member
Sep 6, 2009
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i have one female and one male gold twin bar platy. i wanted to be prepared for babies even if she isn't pregant.

my questions
-will my fry be sucked up into the filter? if so how can i prevent it?
-should i get a breeder net or should i let them swim around in the tank?
-how old is adult?
-what do i feed them?

please help!
Hey, do you have a breeding tank?
if not, you could put her in the breeder box, (I wouldn't suggest it though, as it stresses them out and she may abort)
but usually I think 4-5 months is an adult, or when they're about 1 inch
you can feed them regular flake food but finely crushed :) (or you can buy baby food)
they might get sucked up into the filter, I've heard of people putting net things under the filter to prevent the fry from getting sucked up,
if you don't have a breeding tank, but want to keep the fry without stressing the female, I suggest getting lots of plants and floating them on the top
the fry will stay in the plants ^^
Most of your questions require more detail really:

-will my fry be sucked up into the filter? if so how can i prevent it?
What filter do you have? If it has holes on the inlet that are bigger than fry then yes otherwise no. Can be prevented with a pair of tights and an elastic band.

-should i get a breeder net or should i let them swim around in the tank?
Depends how many you want to survive? What are you wanting to do with the fry?

-what do i feed them?

Depends if they are lef tin the tank with adults or not
Hi and welcome :)

Fry can get sucked up depending on filter holes,put a stocking or similar over the bottom of the filter intake.

I find floating breeding trap better than a net,easier to keep clean,ideally a separate tank is better,although livebearers drop fry pretty regularly every month :rolleyes:
If you have plenty of plants etc which fry can hide in is good or floating plants if you leave in the main tank has the adults will probably eat them :rolleyes:

A platy is sexually mature around 3/4 months old,

If fry are separate they can be fed with finely ground flakes,there are available liquidfry 2 and baby flakes,these need to be fed 4 times a day
ok so now i have another female and i'm pretty sure she is pregnant and that black spot is a gravid spot. she is definitely pregnant right? she is the gray and orange one. is she even a platy?

if i were to get another tank would it need a filter or would the fry be fine inside without one?


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-should i get a breeder net or should i let them swim around in the tank?
Depends how many you want to survive? What are you wanting to do with the fry?

well i dont want to have too many but i want some to survive
The black mark on your platy is not a gravid spot Snowflight. It is just a dark colored mark on the fish's side. That female platy is a long way from a fry drop and does not have a visible gravid spot at all.
well the pic is really bad, but the dot is inside not on the outside


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