Interpet River.reef Set Up


New Member
Jun 30, 2009
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Set up has been running now for just over a problems so far!



No fair - your fishies shoal and mine dont!!

good set up. making the most of the space you have. :good:
nice i like how you have coped with the height they are very tall tanks. just a lil bit of concern is the plant is it under the bog wood im sure it will do fine but may lack a lil light. just a suggestion how about some windevlov or some jave fern just to hide the blue back ground, just a thought.
nice tank well done its simple and effective.
Regard Jonny
Thanks for that, :good: in the past I had no success at all with real plants, so nowadays my plants are all plastic. I agree the blue background needs hidden - so may add more of something.

I was thinking of adding a couple of rams eventually to this - what do you think?

Cheers, Steve.


nice tank!

although i must say (imo) i would direct the upper powerhead for surface agitation
Thanks for that - advice taken and upper powerhead now directed at the surface!

Cheers, Steve.

I'm used to seeing these tanks as marine tanks so it's refreshing to see it as freshwater :D It looks great - I have a soft spot for tetras :blush: :good:
Thanks for that - after coming back into the hobby, (and after years of keeping Discus), I intend only to keep small shoals of Tetras in this tank, although as I have mentioned I may add a Ram or two at some stage.

Will post more photos if/when I do.

Cheers, Steve.

wow, you took my advice :D i feel happy now :)

tank look fab by the way; and like Jennybugs said i haven't seen a FW RR94 tank, all saltwater! so well done mate :good:
I have a 60L small community tank and as things depart I am adding to the numbers of green neons. I aim to have the tank with nothing but them eventually as I think you can't beat a large shoal of tetras for effect :D
Agree with the others here..nice to see a f/w nano..looks well too!!!!
With the lighting in there have you tried an amazon sword or vallis..could grow well for you
Might try live plants at some stage, but at the moment am content with plastic, having had no success in the past with the real thing. I agree the lighting is quite impressive for a small tank even if somewhat slightly noisy when the lights/fans are on.

Cheers, Steve.


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