Another Odd Acting Barb!

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2009
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U.S. New Jersey
i have yet another tiger barb acting weirdo now

she was being playfulkly chased by a male the other da, and the next day she has been hiding alot as well as floating with her tail up and nose facing down

now another barb started doing this as well so now i have 2 acting like so

what do you think could have happended over night?!

please help!
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the fish look bloated.
Can the fish maintain her balance in the water.
Does the spine look bent.
hello again wilder

its the 10 u.s. gallon freshwater

3 tiger barbs

pH is about 7.5 or 8 now

dont have a test kit but ammonia levels should be little to none

i do constant water changes

and she hasnt acted like this until 2 days ago

everything was going fine
Take a sample of your water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
Does the fish look bloated.
Is is possible to load a pic up of the sick fish.
the fish are not bloated... just floating downward and starting to turn pale again... i will try to upload a pic

do you think it could be fluxuations of the pH level?

because i understand my pH was high, and a relative of mine has a pH in her tank that is a little lower.

the day that the male fish was chasing her around, i did a water change of about 10% with water from her house...

and now mmy tiger has been doing these head stands, when everything before that was fine, do you think this could be the cause?
What do you have in the tank. Substrate, ornaments, etc.
What your tap ph reading.
If ph goes up or down to fast fish can suffer ph shock.
I think tiger barbs do head stand sometimes and it normal behavour.
But the fish is question dosn't sound right.
Going pale is a sign of stress or desease.
What do you feed your fish.
Can you issolate him.
i have light gravel, with two plastick plants and just recently added some store bought seashells to give them hiding places and decor...

the shells are the only new addition but she was fine while they were in there...

my pH from tap is 8.2 and i beleive it has gone down to about 7.5 -7.8
color charts are tricky to match up with the color strips

i feed them tetramin tropical flakes, along with freezdried bloodworms twice a week... have been doing so for about a week and a half now.. i have a small tank, about maybe two liters with a "filter" system, its about 15 years old lol... should i put her in that? it has an air compressor but its small
Sea shells can lower ph. How many shells are there in the tank.

Need to improve there diet with more frozen foods like brime strimp and daphnia.
In the uk you can buy frozen packs of food with four different foods.
Also daphnia helps the fish digest its food.
Introduce some green veg into there diet like, peas, broc, spinach.

Freezedried foods when over fed can cause swim bladder.

Cook some frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down and pop out of shell. Mush into small peices and add to the tank.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Do you have an heater for the issolation tank?

United States so don't know if you can buy pack of frozen foods with 4 different foods.

. Overfeeding/constipation: This the most common cause of SBD! Usually, the abdomen (belly) is swollen when a fish is constipated. Also, fish that gulp air at the water's surface when feeding can have swimbladder problems. The treatment is to withhold feeding for 24-72 hours or longer, and see if the constipation corrects itself. Examine what, how much and how often you are feeding the fish. Freeze-dried foods are notorious for causing constipation and swimbladder problems in fish.
in the picture with both fish the female is on the left, male on the right... the other male is active but not in picture, he is fine.

the pic with one fish in the reflection of the tank glass is the female...

i have 6 shells in the tank...

i used to feed them lettuce, chicken, ground meat and turkey before i got the flakes


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Try the peas if he's still eating.
Only feed the freeze dried bloodworms once a week. Don't over feed them.
If you can issolate try a bacterial med.

Only feed meats as a treat now and then. Fish can't digest fat towell.
the first pic is a close up of the female, the second is a close up of the male

these are the fish acting wierd


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They don't look bloated.
Headstanding can be swim bladder.
What does it look like when the fish go to the toilet.
honestly i never have seen their stool while theyre going

it is black though lol

but i dont think it swim bladder cuz wouldnt it be hard or difficult for the fish to swim at the bottom of the tank? or stay at the bottom?

my fish are at the bottom now they swim there alot
Just keep a close eye on him and improve the fish diet.

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