New Member
I have a neon tetra out of 6 that has lost color in its tail and seams to have some atrophy. Its still swimming and schooling, its eating ok, it just has lost that distictive blue and red stripe towards the tail and the tail seams to be paralized in a position to the right of midline.
Background - I live in Tempe, Az (hard water) the fish resides in a ten gallon tank with 11 otherr tetras, and pleco, and half a dozen ghost shrimp. Yes, I know, a little over crowded. There are also 5 live plants in the tank. I was unaware of the nitrate level as this test does not usually come with a simple master kit and when I took some water to the pet store, the said I was way to high, upwards of a 180/ppm. I have since corrected with 25% water changes every other day and after buying a test kit, I am now down to less than 5/ppm. The resident expert at the facility I went to said that it looks like my neon has a bacterial infection so after correcting the water, I started the tank on eurythromyicin. There has been no improvement with this one fish and no other fish seem to be infected. Does any one have any ideas? Could it just be an injury, maybe got stuck by the pleco?
Water as of this AM:
ph 6.6
water temp 79
specific gravity of 1.000
NO2 <0.05
NH4+ < 0.25
Nitrate <5/ppm
Running an Aqua clear 30 filter, air pump, homemade CO2 generator with ladder type diffuser and the light is on ten hours a day.
Thanks for any help!
Background - I live in Tempe, Az (hard water) the fish resides in a ten gallon tank with 11 otherr tetras, and pleco, and half a dozen ghost shrimp. Yes, I know, a little over crowded. There are also 5 live plants in the tank. I was unaware of the nitrate level as this test does not usually come with a simple master kit and when I took some water to the pet store, the said I was way to high, upwards of a 180/ppm. I have since corrected with 25% water changes every other day and after buying a test kit, I am now down to less than 5/ppm. The resident expert at the facility I went to said that it looks like my neon has a bacterial infection so after correcting the water, I started the tank on eurythromyicin. There has been no improvement with this one fish and no other fish seem to be infected. Does any one have any ideas? Could it just be an injury, maybe got stuck by the pleco?
Water as of this AM:
ph 6.6
water temp 79
specific gravity of 1.000
NO2 <0.05
NH4+ < 0.25
Nitrate <5/ppm
Running an Aqua clear 30 filter, air pump, homemade CO2 generator with ladder type diffuser and the light is on ten hours a day.
Thanks for any help!