Newbie With Snails


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Guadalajara, Mexico
hello I'm new to snails and I dont k now anything about them.
ok I just got some vallisneria from a friend and it came with some snails and I was wondering if its ok if I put them in my pond or not
any coments will be appreaciated

thanks. :good:


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are the snails beneficial for my pond?
I heard that they eat fish poo soo the water gets clearer

do they make a diference in the pond ??

tks for the help :good:
Snails dont generally eat 'fish poo' however the eat leftover food pieces as well as dead plants, any things that fall into your pond, and anything else they can get there mouth on. some goldfish do like to snack on them though.
are the snails beneficial for my pond?
I heard that they eat fish poo soo the water gets clearer
do they make a diference in the pond ??
tks for the help :good:

That is called a detrivore if your looking for those species of snails then Malaysian or dominican trumpet snails would be effective, they don't breed in colder waters however english summer time there populations should explode provided there is plenty of food. They are very hard to get rid of though however who cares when they provide plenty of good, you are unmlikely to be able to buy them from a LFS except as a hitchiker on plants so perhaps a member on here can hook you up.
Trumpet snails are quite easy to get hold off, quite a few people on here sell them and there are plenty on ebay.
Yep, MTS won't breed at our summer water temperatures. Over winter they will die.

If you wanted to keep them outdoors you would have to put something like a shallow kiddie pool in direct sunlight for the warmest couple of months and feed them.

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