Archerfish, Must Need Brackishwater?


Feb 27, 2009
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Hi i just went to my LFS the other day and I found a Archerfish, I really want one and when i asked the clerk he told me its in a brackish water tank and i was wondering if they NEED brackish water. Also, some special information on how to raise these guys. Need help quick! :unsure:

just a picture of the archerfish for people who are wondering what im talking about!


  • Archer_Fish.jpg
    16.7 KB · Views: 55
Greetings. This is Toxotes jaculatrix, one of the two species that must be kept in brackish water. It cannot be kept in freshwater indefinitely. Aim for at least SG 1.005.

Basic care is simple. Like other archers this fish naturally lives in schools but tends to be territorial in the aquarium, so keep either singly or in a large group (6+ specimens). Archers are predominantly carnivores. While they can be maintained on flake and pellet foods, they enjoy crickets and other insects. They are piscivores, so don't combine with anything small enough to fit into their very large mouth!

Apart from their predatory tendencies, they're basically peaceful animals, even shy. They like shady corners where they can lurk. They mix well with fish of similar size and temperament, e.g., scats, monos, Colombian shark catfish, Mystus gulio, violet gobies, knight gobies, orange and green chromides, etc.

Maximum size under aquarium conditions is about 20 cm; wild fish can be substantially larger.

Cheers, Neale

Hi i just went to my LFS the other day and I found a Archerfish, I really want one and when i asked the clerk he told me its in a brackish water tank and i was wondering if they NEED brackish water. Also, some special information on how to raise these guys. Need help quick! :unsure:

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