Just got this cat today and the shop had it labled as a spotted gulper catfish. I cand find it in any books, so I was just wondering if anyone knows what its latin name is or any other info would be great.
thanks ryan, thats not the one but i found a link while looking at that one. and I think he'll be going back as he grows to 80" according to plannet catfish.
OMG!! The dreaded helicopter catfish aka the giant man eating catfish Wallago attu!!!!!
That fish is a true aquatic monster and it will eat anything that it thinks it can fit into its mouth, in the wild this fish has been known to eat people that stray too close to its massive jaws! Once it reaches about 12" there wont be anything you can safely keep with it and once it starts doing some serious growing youll need a swimming pool to house it, mind you it would be a neat way of getting rid of people you dont like "hey im having a pool party, wanna come"
yeah, i feel sorry for him in a way as I don't think he will ever find a good home round here . It makes me think that fish over 3' should need a licence to be kept and imported.
It is not uncommon for human remains to be found in the stomachs of these Giant Catfishes
by Mike McEwan
Wallago attu, commonly known as the Giant Catfish, is a very large catfish originating from parts of Thailand, Java, Indian and Burma. They are highly predatory, pure carnivores and considered extremely dangerous. They are obviously best suited to public aquaria.
The body of Wallago attu is large and slender, the whole last 2\3 of the fish's body being the tail. Their body color is made up of blotches of black, brown and grey. All fins follow the same color pattern. The anal fin is very long-based, resembling the blade of a sword.
I could handle it if it stayed that size, its when it gets to 80" I'm worried. the one I'v got it wallago lerrii but grow's to the same size as wallago attu.