What Do You Think Of These


Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Colchester Essex
They are terracotta, and thought they were a bit different.
But before i go ahead and buy them - and get told off my the Mrs, i want you opinions?

Will they be safe in the aquarium, and do they look tacky?
Also could they be too heavy for the glass?

Thank you all in advance.



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I don't know, I can see the appeal of them. I'm normally dead set against artificial ornaments prefering the natural look, however when I came home and found my mum had put in some flowerpots in a tank I didn't mind them, they looked strangely natural and quite the opposite of the offensive luminous castle/ship/pebble decorations.

Providing they are fish safe I would give it a go, just keep the receipt and you can return them if you don't like the look of it. You could create a smurf village :p
I don't know, I can see the appeal of them. I'm normally dead set against artificial ornaments prefering the natural look,

So am I.
To me there is nothing worse than seeing flowerpots in an aquarium, makes it look like a polluted river in my mind.

Having said that, I am intrigued by the idea of using these toadstools. I think with a little algae growing on them they would look quite effective.

Looking forward to seeing the results...... :good:
good idea,with diffrant sizes could look good/you could even drill holes in the side to make a cave :hyper:
Well i am still debating these.
There are some very mixed opinions here.

I was thinking i could cover them in java moss.

I'll see how my other plans go.
Seriously, the sizes they are, IMO they would look out of place in anything less than an 8' tank.

If you could get smaller than 3" high, they wouldn't look too bad when weathered.

Also, being terracotta, they should be safe after a quick boil.
i think it would look nice in a heavily planted tank like lopsided looking like a reckage and would look really nice once a little algae grows on it!!

I think I've been misunderstood :p I said I would try them out, I can see them looking quite nice (providing they arn't massive and are like 3-4" in height). I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't think they look that bad for artificial ornaments (normally I'm natural 100% of the time), I'd be willing to give them ago and if I have misjudged their looks I would whip them out straight away, but it wouldn't hurt to give them ago. You could set a new trend, think of all the tanks with flower pots in them (granted some for breeding purposes), I bet people thought they wouldn't work at the start.

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