Redid My Nano Tank

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Fish Gatherer
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
A couple of weeks ago I got columnaris (18 hour kill strain) through all the tanks in my room. Since all the fish died I decided to restart. So this is what my nano tank looks like now.

I am well aware that it is outrageously overstocked at the moment, I just chucked in every random half grown livebearer I could lay my hands on. I'm checking the filter which I cycled by using mature media - so I'm just making sure it's well and truly up to the job before I start introducing delicate fish. It's getting three 50% water changes daily. So please don't flame me for the overstocking... :shifty:

The intended eventual stocking is a few glass shrimp and eight or nine ember tetras (6 gal).
Planting is 1 x Anubias nana (on wood) 1 x Anubias sp. barteri? (confirm anybody?) 1x thin val (bunch) 1 pot lilaeopsis (spread into 2 clumps, should carpet up nicely). Substrate is sand, using liquid ferts dosed daily. I chose less challenging plants because the lighting ain't up there and there's no CO2. Picked up the big anubias today, $10. Cheap as. I think it's either barteri or coffeefolia but I'm not expert on plants so if anybody could ID it I would be grateful. I hope it's not paco, that has plant breeders rights attached and I want to be able to propagate it and sell it! Decor uses three pieces of wood, all found on the hill behind my house. Authentic Aussie eucalyptus root. Best tank decor there is. The branches are nice too but you gotta soak em for ages. :blink: Also rock from the creek.

Pretty happy with the pricing too...

Tank, filtration, lighting, lid (all in one set) $60
Sand - got from the creek - free
Rock - got from the creek - free
Wood - got from the hill - free
Val - $7
Anubias nana - $10
Anubias sp. $10
Lilaeopsis $6

The stocking probably won't cost more than about $40.


  • newnano.JPG
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you're overstocked ;) :p

just kidding, tank's look great, nice little aquascape you've got there Laura.
LOL, thanks!

The filter seems to be handling it fine but I figure that if I push it now, when I suddenly halve the fish load on it I shouldn't have any problems at all.

Took me ages, I've been stuffing around with that tank all week trying to decide what to do with it. I think that finally does it.
Looks good :good: nice and natural! Shame about your other fish, but it's always nice to change the look of a tank!

Lol 5teady you should see it when the fish aren't hiding. It's MAJORLY overstocked.... they'll be going out of there in a few more days. I'm feeding very lightly and keeping up the water changing. But I'm going to halve the stocking on Thursday cause I'm sick of changing water.

Thanks everyone!
Looks great Laura! I like it, looks alot better than my tanks! Your is over stocked, but im sure you will find a place for the extra's!

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