Welcome to the forum, Nice tank. Looks like your fish-in cycling though! Or am I just seeing thing
Yeah i have had the tank running for 2 and a half weeks wtihout fish and the cycle just will not start so i added some fish to kick start it and the plan was to get them out before it spikes. Being new to fish keeping i'm not sure if this will work or not but my tank has gone milky now as in a poss bacterial bloom and still the readings are non existant. If anyone can shed some light on this i'd be grateful.
As for stock i plan to keep all the small fish already in there plus the others from my small tank which is as follows
6 neon tetras
5 Head and Tail light
5 Rummy Nose Tetra
2 Scissor Tail
1 Silver Shark
1 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 Cobra Guppy
2 Golden Loach cleaners
2 Common Plecs ( i'm not sure if both will make it to big tank)
and 1 cleaner River shrimp.
Ontop of this i was thinking of adding
3 Torpedo or red nose barbs
1 or 2 large gourami's
2 Angel fish
and a Marlboro Discus ( these are all subject to how well the tank does and if they can all live together etc)