Black Oto


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Beds, UK
I bought two fish labelled as black otos a couple of months ago, and finally got a decent photo of one of them. Looking on planetcatfish, I think they're hisonotus leucofrenatus, but not sure - would appreciate confirmation from anyone with more experience?

They spend most of their time stationary on a leaf, bogwood or flat stones, occasionally on the glass. When they do move, they dart very quickly across the tank and settle in a new spot. They eat algae, but can't keep up with the supply in my tank. They also like cucumber. They don't appear to interact with each other at all (or with the other fish in the tank) - so far they've been completely solitary creatures. When added to the tank, they started eating straight away, and so far haven't shown any signs of being unhappy in my hard alkaline water (pH 7.9), though of course it's early days. They were very small when we got them, and have grown noticeably since they arrived, but are still only about 2cm long.

First attempt at uploading a photo, so hope this works!


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I bought two fish labelled as black otos a couple of months ago, and finally got a decent photo of one of them. Looking on planetcatfish, I think they're hisonotus leucofrenatus, but not sure - would appreciate confirmation from anyone with more experience?

They spend most of their time stationary on a leaf, bogwood or flat stones, occasionally on the glass. When they do move, they dart very quickly across the tank and settle in a new spot. They eat algae, but can't keep up with the supply in my tank. They also like cucumber. They don't appear to interact with each other at all (or with the other fish in the tank) - so far they've been completely solitary creatures. When added to the tank, they started eating straight away, and so far haven't shown any signs of being unhappy in my hard alkaline water (pH 7.9), though of course it's early days. They were very small when we got them, and have grown noticeably since they arrived, but are still only about 2cm long.

First attempt at uploading a photo, so hope this works!
I'd say yes to that ID too. My LFS has just had a shipment of 'Black Otos' in, and guessed when i saw them these were the same fish - think I might have to go back and get a few...
Yes this is the Niger Oto, Hisonotus leucofrenatus. I have 4, to be honest they do not do particularly all that much, mine just sit around all day, normally on plants but I like them, had them for quite sometime, they will stay small. I feed mine Hikari Tropical algae wafers and Hikari Tropical SINKING WAFERS, although I split the tablets up.
I think that they are quite a hardy fish.
Thanks for the confirmation. It's reassuring to know that yours don't do much either, as I've read that 'real' otos are more active. I do feed broken up algae discs and sinking pellets for the corys, but have never seen the black otos showing any interest in them - not sure they'd get much of a look-in with the corys and platys around - but there's more than enough algae and cucumber for them and they seem to be thriving.

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