White Patch On Cory..need Help Id'ing


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario (CA)
Hello all..
At the end of June, I posted regarding a dead cory I had found stuck to my filter intake (thanks to those who responded!) - the general response was that the fish must have been either sick or already dead for that to happen - but I hadn't seen any outward signs of illness at that time. Since then things have been fine - until I returned from a weekend camping trip to find one of my peppered cories has a white patch on his side. If I look very closely, it appears a bit fuzzy. He is definitely hiding more than usual, and avoiding the rest of the cory group. He did make an effort to eat tonight. All others seem ok at this point. Nitrate was at .30, so I am just about to do a 20% water change and vacuum the bottom; all other stats are well.
I do weekly 20% water changes, use no chemicals other than to neutralize chlorine. Last new additions to the tank were the platys, about a month and a half ago.
It's Sunday evening, and the only treatments I have here at home are for parasitic infections, and aquarium salt.
Is it possible this is columnaris? What should I do in the meantime? Can I use salt with cories? What should I ask for at the store tomorrow?


If you are talking about the big red & white patch on the back half of the catfish, then it looks like a wound. Possible someone in the tank attacked it or the fish got caught under something and it has torn a piece of skin off. A general broad spectrum medication should clear it up. The white fluffy stuff is fungus that has gotten into the wound.

It is not Columnaris. Mouth fungus (Columnaris) generally starts at the mouth and the mouth and nose goes white before getting eaten away by the bacteria that causes the disease.
Abit more info for you.
Wounds that are white on the edges and red in the center are most typically Aeromonas. Those that are red on the edges and white in the center are generally Columnaris. Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and mixed with food -- if you can find Romet B use it.
I've gotten a closer look at the patch - the white patch is definitely fluffy when I view it from the front - looks almost short litte white hairs coming off the patch. It's funny - that red patch on the photo, I can't actually see it I look at the fish myself - it just shows up on camera for some reason.
Wilder, I do have Maracyn 1 and 2 here in Canada. I don't think I've seen Romet B, but I will take a look. If not, I will hunt for something with the same ingredient.
Colin, what would qualify as a "general broad spectrum med"?
Is there any way I can definitively tell if this is bacterial or fungal?
Broad spectrum means it treats gram positve bacteria and gram negative bacteria.
Maracyn one and two cover both get you some info.
Sorry the site down.
Maracyn one and two for columnaris to cover all bases.
OK, thanks!!
Are the Maracyn 1 and 2 used at the same time or one after another? Do I have to lower the dose because of the cories? Change the temp/lighting at at all?
He doesn't look very good this morning - pretty listless. I have to go to work today - not sure he'll make it to the evening without the med :(
You can use maracyn one and two both together.
You will need to increase aeration as meds reduce 02 in the water.
I would prepare yourself to lose the cory if he's getting weak.

Maracyn by Mardel
Gram-positive antibiotic for the treatment of internal and external bacterial diseases. Safe for fresh and saltwater, however they are packaged separately for each. Do not use with Invertebrates.

Maracyn-Two by Mardel
Gram-negative antibiotic for the treatment of internal and external bacterial diseases. Safe for fresh and saltwater, though they are sold separately. Do not use with Invertebrates.
Thanks so much. I'm hoping he hangs on - but I know it doesn't look good.

one more thing - will I need to remove my carbon filter?
Yes throw it away black carbon removes meds from the tank.
OK will do, I'm guessing I just replace it with a new one once treatments are done, then.
Before I left this morning I noticed his little mouth seems to be gasping...not good :(
If he is a goner when I arrive home tonight, should I still treat the tank?
Mot sounding to good bless him.
If no other fish are affected I would just do a few water changes over the next few days.
Good luck.
I'm home from work - and the little guy is still here. Acting about the same - but the patch looks different now - like some of the white fuzz has come off, or changed. I've attached a pic - much clearer and closer this time. Again, what looks red on the pic actually looks more brownish red in person - but maybe that's just the lighting.
Does this change anything? If not, I'll be off to buy the maracyn 1/2 soon.


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