I have had 6 lemon tetras and 4 rummy nose tetras in a 58 litre tank since a week on saturday. I fishless cycled the tank before I started and ammonia and nitrite have remained 0 since I started the tank, although the nitrates also remained 0. I was a little suspicious about this but atrributed it to my new plants I got so the fish could hide. I did my first water change on saturday, everyone seemed a little stressed but all went back to normal.
Tonight I noticed that my smallest lemon tetra has a white/grey mould type patch on 1 of its sides just below its top fin. This isn't fluffy at all yet, it sort of resembles the mould that you get on cheese without the green. There is no sign of any significant wound, although possibly a small pink scratch to one side of it. The mould seems well stuck onto the fish and is not at all fluffy The fish and everyone else in the tank is eating and acting normally.
Current water stats are ammonia 0 nitrites 0, nitrates pH 8 (stable).
What should I do? I have aquarium salt, melafix, interpret anti bacterial 9 and protozin for whitespot (not it i know) from previous sick fish, and i can get to my well stocked lfs tomorrow. For tonight I am preposing to turn down the heat as it most sounds like fungus/columaris and add a dose of melafix.....
Help much appreciated!
Edit: I don't have a hospital tank but I could possibly fashion something lidless with a crate and I have a second filter running in the tank (came with tank but proved to be small and useless but left in with proper fluval 2 as couldnt see the harm) but no spare heater.....
Tonight I noticed that my smallest lemon tetra has a white/grey mould type patch on 1 of its sides just below its top fin. This isn't fluffy at all yet, it sort of resembles the mould that you get on cheese without the green. There is no sign of any significant wound, although possibly a small pink scratch to one side of it. The mould seems well stuck onto the fish and is not at all fluffy The fish and everyone else in the tank is eating and acting normally.
Current water stats are ammonia 0 nitrites 0, nitrates pH 8 (stable).
What should I do? I have aquarium salt, melafix, interpret anti bacterial 9 and protozin for whitespot (not it i know) from previous sick fish, and i can get to my well stocked lfs tomorrow. For tonight I am preposing to turn down the heat as it most sounds like fungus/columaris and add a dose of melafix.....
Help much appreciated!
Edit: I don't have a hospital tank but I could possibly fashion something lidless with a crate and I have a second filter running in the tank (came with tank but proved to be small and useless but left in with proper fluval 2 as couldnt see the harm) but no spare heater.....